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We want to give a big, BIG shout out to the folks over at Black Shepherd Games for all their hard work in working and making updates to the game!
What you are looking at is path layout for all 3 days. This includes alterations in the script over the smallest of choices, each path leading to one heart breaking scene in YB's van. And oh, there is much more to come from this.

With how big this game is getting, so it the help in going into creating it. With 13 staff members and 2 dozen volunteers, we couldn't have made it this far without your contribution.
You heard me, you guys have made this possible.
You showed interest and love in this game, you gave your support in seeing it's creation and because of this it has grown into more than we could have ever even imagined.
Even then we didn't imagine it would be this big.

For this, we can't thank you enough. For sure we will be creating more games in the future, including the Cindy Fisher files and Your Girlfriend.

Again, thank you so much, and let's keep this train rolling!

With that said, here's your new room~. . .




looks better than y/n's old room. also love the multiple angles for each room


🥳🥳 YAY


How much you wanna bet that mirror over YN bed is a two way mirror.


Woahhhhh that’s so cool,

Elise Pierce

Of course this fucker has mood candles next to our bed 🤣


yb gave me pictures of the outdoors. How considerate. -____-


bro i cant wait for day 3


Can't wait to treat him like shit in the next day 😩


I can't open the script layout... is that on purpose?


can we clean our room?? . . . oooh~ books!


That’s not a mirror.. trust me 😀..


Question, is there a way to have a relationship with a character such as Don, without them dying? And also, I saw there was a route where you run out of the dinner hurting yourself on glass and run home where Lucy and Don try to help you, how do you get this route?

Cheese-And-Rice, Mooney

I don't really have the answers to your questions but maybe once the game is complete they will add options where they don't die and you get with one of them but since the game is still in development and the main Love Interest is Peter they could either do the other later or maybe that's simply the intention, they can't survive if Peter is in love with you. Either way if they will actually give you a chance to date them without them dying I think that it will take a bit more of time, maybe they will do that after their are done with the main love interest or maybe they won't at all, still it's not unusual for developers to think about side characters as official love interest after they are done with the main one, like with Our Life, you can flirt and like Derek and/or Baxter romantically but before the DLC you could just like them without actually developing the relationship further and they would simply disappear, later on once they completed the main love interest story they focused on the side characters as love interests. The creators could be using them dying as a place holder until they are done with Peter story or they are simply going to die, but seen the different routes that can happen I can also see scenarios and endings where even if forced to stay with Peter for a while the others LI can survive and help you with Peter just like from what I've seen you can become the "bad guy" and abuse of Peter but I'm not sure of that, I remember seeing some posts about something like a route where the MC becomes abusive but it could be that it was simply a FanArt I saw randomly, I'm not sure. Still the game is still under development so only time will tell what will happen to them. Edit: I scrolled down and the mC abuser path is actually a thing, so this mean that there are definitely more routes, but I don't know about the other possible love interests.


ill get used to that room :)