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That's right, we have been stocking up on new merch for the new upcoming store.
This means we're slowly gonna start fading out Red bubble. It was a humble beginning in terms of merch, but it's time to move forward to more official works.

We also have keychains, Y/N mugs and other items that we will show off soon.
Right now, this is a little sneak peek of what we have waiting for you.
Once the store is open, we will let you know~!

Also, here's a fun fact in Day 4.
YB actually didn't buy the house he's living in rn. In fact, he just found it and encountered two hostiles who lived there.
They are now buried in an unmarked grave. . .



Is there a due date for day 4?


Please add my email ^^ <3

Flora Loudieu

When I see this little spoiler from day 4, I can't help but wonder if YB would have written a fake check for Don, so that we could leave with him... xD


Man and I thought he couldn't get any sicker.0.0 I am looking forward to this twisted but amazing novel game. Looking forward to seeing more. :D


But hey, free house!😂


Wait so are implying that he either stole a house from the home owners, or he just made home from an abandoned one?


How dare he? He is supposed to be expanding money for my sake!!!! Now where is the compromise in that?

Adam Costello

I love this, now I kinda want something that looks like him looking through your window, lie one of those window stick things lol

Lmaaoo SLICK-kitty a.k.a PussyCat

Already knew he was squatter...lol. But I'm confused, you said no one was living there and he just waltz right in in that live stream. Lol


Omg the ‘hostiles’ might actually be Lucy’s parents

Flora Loudieu

He may have a lot of money but he still killed people to take their house... xD


Peter did this and for what? it’s not like he doesn’t have a job… Peter why

Hermione Sherlock

He is mentally unstable. He was probably walking around the woods and got into an argument with some equally unstable people. Since he "won" the fight, he might had felt entitled to their house.

Hermione Sherlock

Knowing his nature, it was most likely a fake check. Just to get a last kick at Don's expense. Whatever amount of money he has, he is not gonna waste it on him XD

Hu Tao

Do you even know just how expensive a house like that would be, he did what we all want to but don't have the guts to


PLEASE MAKE THE LIFE SIZE CUTOUT AVAILABLE FOR PERCHASE!! I swear I will sell my fucking liver to have Peter in my room(call me a simp all you want, I don't care)

Suki Grim

Shh. It's not simping. It's love ❤️ We all want a cut out