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Thought you might like to see who the third comic will be featuring this go around. Lucy~!
I was surprised how much trouble I had drawing her holding a thing of lipstick. 15 minutes later I just has to say 'Good enough' and move on.

In other news, we have had quite a flood of new patrons coming in and asking about why they can't play the game.
The game itself only allows patreon members to play, registering your email into the list of permitted players.
This means that ever 3-5 days we update the list with new patreons that come in.
Unfortunately, There are times when we would update the list, but some patreons are still unable to play.
This has been an issue for months now as we are constantly inputting emails manually, and this problem is happening far too often now.
We were informed that there are times when Patreon doesn't register emails until later, and we understand.
However, there have been users who have been supporting us for months and still haven't been able to play.

I'm not happy about that. =___=

So, to those who have recently joined, we ask to please be patient until we update the list in the game.
To those who have been supporting for weeks or even months and still can't play, please send us a DM and we'll try and get this situation fixed.



Im actually gonna wait till the game is complete. I know it'll take a while, but for me, it'll be worth the wait to play the full game and thats makes me excited to play!


I was right about you DM then ^^ I hope it will be fixed soon


Only reason I still can't play the game is because I have Mac.


But hasn't a Mac compatible version been released a little while ago?


Lucy!!! 💕💕💕


It’s honestly no big deal I’ve Been a monthly donater and supporter since September I’ll just wait until the game is completely finished we can wait :)


Looks good, can't wait to read it. I have been holding back playing day 3 cause of bugs, so now since you already making day 4, how about give us bug-free day 3? Sorry if hard to understand, English is my 2nd language

Veronica Bohrer

Honestly don’t mind waiting :3 I still need to have my PC repaired but glad to still have the chance to play on the Mac!


OOOO it looks amazing!! And I don't mind waiting a bit for the email thing so please don't stress about it too much and take your time! Your doing great so far :D!


It literally says it’s Lucy in the caption of the post


For me, not being able to play is because I use a Mac. I can play the day one demo but I believe that’s all there is now.

Lmaaoo SLICK-kitty a.k.a PussyCat

Well I think it has a solid foundation at least.The looks, exact same body type and hair,Her being so protective over her name, her hating her mother like Peter. Peter calling both her and his sister slut. Her drugging you and molesting you like Peter. She also has a semi goth appearance like peter. Than to top it off, she randomly calls you "Darling" in the game out the wim before kissing your cheek when you agree to hang out with her which was unexpected. It is just a theory, it can always be wrong. But i can't lie,it does have some backing. Lol.

Lmaaoo SLICK-kitty a.k.a PussyCat

Oh yeah, I forgot, also bf and Lucy are two most hyper sexualized characters in the game along with her calling you darling like Peter and looking like Sarah. Its uncanny...lol very strange.


I’m just kinda hoping for a estimated time of when we get day 4 or something. Because there haven’t been any changes released yet. :/


Felt this. I wish there was more concrete conversation about when a Mac version will be released if feels kinda on the back burner right now since it’s not mentioned a lot. But I didn’t know Mac users could at least play the day one demo that’s good to know!


I also have a Mac, but if you use bootcamp you can also install windows on your Mac. You can switch between Mac and windows when you restart your Mac. That's how you can play! That's how I do it and I think its pretty easy myself.


Oh, I didn't know Lucy had a tattoo of the stars and the month on her back. I like it)


how do you play the game? I'm confused


if your a member of this page ig, youll be able to play through the link at the top, you download the file, and then just open it. yea


that makes sense, hopefully the list gets updated so I can play, I've been DYING to know what happens!