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So, day 4. It's probably the most fun I've had writing in a long time~!

This scene here is uhh, how do you say, unfortunate?

I would go into details, but again, no spoilers.
So, I'll just say this; It's all your fault.




Me getting hurt is all my fault?


Can’t wait for the next day to be released


I wonder if she’s worried about Peter?


if it’s for YB i’ll take all the heat 💪😫


WOO this is getting more and more exiting 😆😆


Let me guess, TK dies, Don dies, or Lucy instantly gets WACKED after saying this?


cant waitttt for day 3 to be fixeddddddddd


Oh fiddlesticks


Low key thinking about getting windows on my Mac just so I can play this game uuuugh


Oh no what did I do XD


Oh fuck what happened?? So curiousss♡♡




Excitement ♡‿♡


The devil is an infinite amount of liars.


Aah can't wait to see what happens!


This looks great! I still can’t get into the game though and I’ve been part of this patreon for a while, Is there anything that I can do? It keeps saying I have the wrong details for email and password. Thanks for any help :)


It's my fault? what did I do? U CAN'T PROVE ANYTHING!!!😆😆


Well Lucy's dead :(


Aaaghhh i don’t wanna feel guilty!!!

Nina j

if it's all my fault, I assume this's the "abusive route"?


You, why don't you want Lucy to have nice things?


We're gonna be bait, aren't we :)


Is the stream still happening?


Lot of Lucy alive on Day 4 stuff being posted. Makes me hyped to try those new routes!


*It's all your fault.* *Undertale flashback and even worse flashback when my friend played genocide route* ._. EVERY CHOICE MATTER :D


So where is the actual download for the game at?


hey day 3 is still full of bugs.... i keep getting called nathalie


Oh boy, wonder what we're in for 😖 looking forward to it!


If it's my fault I'mma say it's part of the abusive route since the last update we saw with Peter was with him being really pissed off


how do you get day 2 and 3?


thank you so much for the reply!!! i tried to reply to the comment but it wouldn't let me


She found out about my many images of Don's Tits


huhuhuuuu <3 Sarah is in day 4 ? :3

Lmaaoo SLICK-kitty a.k.a PussyCat

The fact that Lucy is still alive on day 4 is astounding.... Also, we probably cheated on bf with dusty Don or t.k. and he beat our asses.

Lmaaoo SLICK-kitty a.k.a PussyCat

The agony... We gonna be waiting a looooonnnggg time I wanna update day 3. But apparently we aren't gonna get it until day 4 is completely finished. When you include the artwork, animations,and writing. we gonna be waiting like a whooooole yeeeaar 💀

Yasmin Lipfert

I would love to hear when a new game update will be released. I find myself checking every day and driving myself mad. :D

Lmaaoo SLICK-kitty a.k.a PussyCat

That's Lucy(it's in the tags on the post). But there's this thing that Lucy is really just Sarah in disguise because they are so identical. Whoever mentioned this has gotten me to believe this with confidence of about 80%.


And you just started balling your eyes out in front of Lucy and telling her what is going on is gonna get her 💀


Is it possible for Lucy to be the one killed in day 3? If not, I feel like day 4 is gonna be the day she gets it. 😭 TK RUN


*feral screeching*


Aaah no mames my fault? I know there are no happy endings, but is there a route where we end up "right"? So to speak. :<

Mena R.

Of course it is. I always seem to pick the wrong man in these sort of situations. hehe.


When will the day 4 be out or the updated day 3 at least i cant wait til they’re out ^^


Why do I find Lucy so cute here




I didn't ask for this situation now did I ? XD


i hope YB doesn't canonically die in the routes. I would actually cry. - Sincerely, a certified monster f*cker.


i know you deleted your comment but i still respect your opinion; to each their own :)


if anyone sees my comment and gets mad, i have an interesting headcanon to explain. so YB already confirmed he despises his mother, existence and the name he was given because he was created to never be able to actually be with the player. the creator also created every aspect of his being including the fact that he is co-dependent of the player. He also breaks the fourth wall on purpose and is the only character to do so (that i know of). So, what if, the reason he kills at all is because he is hyperaware that his reality is fake and so are the people including Y/N? and that as soon as he realized that there was someone from the outside interacting with him, he goes crazy trying to eradicate the existence he's in. He's basically been gaslit about his whole life by the creator and the other characters.


so as soon as he realizes he was right, he starts destroying everyone and everything to spite his creator. and if you choose anyone else within the game he thinks you're gaslighting him too. anyways, this is why i think the creator is EVIL and that YB is just misunderstood and needs therapy. the creator is basically jusy playing into this lie they've crafted basically being abusive to her son. hence, why i love and empathize with him rather than the others. doesn't make him right in what he does, just makes him misunderstood and tragic.


She´s so cute :-( <3


So I had no money for a while. I'm back in the Patreon and replaying the days that are available. And I'm on the route where Peter offers to be your roommate. And when Peter is silently trying to establish dominance all I can picture is him with his back straight and chest puffed up like a fuckin bird's. It sends me EVERY time.


Were the path for day three fully completed I’m still getting the glitch where we’re nice to him no matter the path


I'm a bit confused on something. Day 1 and 2 I've rejected Peter on what I'd call the "ew stalker" route and day 2 ends when YC is kidnapped after taking pills, but day 3 starts with YC name changing to Natalie (I named YC Amaryllis) and apparently dating Peter? It's like I got dumped in a completely different timeline or something. Also, is there no save feature? I exited the game to see if it'd fix anything but when I opened it I have to start all the way over.


i heard it's a bug that'll be fixed when day 4 is uploaded. The day 3 is still in it's beta so there is bound to be bugs. I had the same thing happen to me. I did the what I call "shy friend" route and it changed it to the dating route and Y/N was also named Natalie.


Ehhehe.😅 opps. We probably did something stupid again, like always.


I bet Y/N snapped at Peter and said that they prefer anyone else than him. Then he decides to kill everyone you know and love so you have no one to love but him.


I'm going to guess we managed to call Lucy to come save us, then just before she can get us out Peter kills her. Then it'll end with him being piiiiiissed at you.


And we probably get knocked out again or worse lol day 3 no matter what i picked i ended up getting knocked out 😂


im still trying to figureout how to get kidnapped on day 2 but no matter how nice or how mean i am just like you i end up knocked out-