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Finally, the game takes on the form in which it should have been originally released, according to the initial idea. So, we can say that this version is what 0.4.0 should have been in our plans.

A lot of work has been done to correct all remaining or emerging shortcomings, implement planned improvements and those that appeared in the process of working on this release. Added many graphical and "quality of life" improvements.

In any case, despite the fact that we have fixed almost 99% of the bugs in the game, there is a chance that you will still be able to find something that we overlooked. Therefore, we remind you once again that we have our discord server, to which you can go from the patreon page or directly from the game, where you can easely contact us to share your ideas about game improvements or bugs found.

This release contains improvements only for existing content.

Backward compatibility with saves from version 0.3.6 is present. But make a backup just in case.

At last, you can check out the full list of changes. Since nothing like this has been published before, we have compiled a detailed list of changes for all 0.4.# versions.

List of changes 0.3.6 - 0.4.3 version:

Important changes:

  • mod: Global refactoring of the engine code and game events, es6, es modules, code style, typings, cleanup, libraries update, etc.
  • add: Completely redesigned spine-based layered image system
  • mod: Refactoring of graphical assets
  • add: Procedural generation of various containers on random city maps

Other changes:

  • add: Multiple pipboy interface improvements
  • add: Music control on the map play/pause/next
  • add: Pipboy real time clock (don't stay up late!)
  • add: Shaver and choice of intimate haircut
  • add: Aiming speed in battle depends on the difficulty of the game
  • add: New articles in the directory. Lockpicking, solving problems with fps, radiation.
  • add: Additional visual effects over the screen (optional)
  • fix: Correct display of cities on the global map
  • add: A simple launcher for windows builds to check the length of the path to game files
  • fix: Backward compatible with saves from version 0.3.6 and below
  • add: New spine animation on title screen (with easter egg)
  • add: New language selection scene
  • add: Minigame lockpicking
  • add: Battery recharge int class
  • add: Desert Eagle, 44 Ammo, .233 Pistol, .233 Ammo, Laser Pistol, Cattle prod, Modified Crowbar, Small energy cell, File, Whetstone, Saw Knife, Ripper, 14mm Pistol, 14mm Ammo, Electric Whip, Nuka Cola, Hairpin (lockpicking)
  • add: Recipe sharp knife, saw blade, modified crowbar
  • add: Emoji in reputation scene
  • add: Polish translation (not complete)
  • add: New glow filter around images/option in settings
  • add: Information about the video card in the debug log
  • add: Interface for catching errors in the main electron process
  • add: Save overwrite warning
  • mod: More accurate calculation of lust effects on combat properties
  • fix: Jarvis Quest - Poison death interval increased
  • add: Auto-select appropriate button in container interfaces
  • add: Playlists for music on maps
  • add: Fade at the beginning and end of audio tracks
  • add: Arbitrary number of loops for audio tracks
  • mod: Disabled visual differences of damaged armor on the character
  • mod: Changed the way loot is generated on random maps
  • add: Additional permanent event on the global map - finding a safe location with loot
  • add: Game Over manual exit
  • add: Timeout for repeating events on the global map
  • add: Container/Shop interface navigation sounds for keyboard/gamepad
  • fix: Increased speed of scrolling windows to the beginning/end with a large number of elements
  • fix: Gregory, offer of help only after the story.
  • add: Optionally, the select button is responsible for canceling
  • mod: Vault 13 Jumpsuit can be lost or sold
  • mod: Cosmetic changes to map tiles.
  • add: Title screen discord button
  • fix: Overlapping tiles traversability issues.
  • fix: Vault 15 lighting
  • add: Speed up button affects spine animations
  • add: Speed up button affects screen shake effects
  • add: New container/shop content generation system
  • mod: Replaced old fps meter
  • add: Additional encounter cards
  • add: Defecate at random places (beta)
  • add: Radiation effect, death, recovery
  • add: Geiger counter sound
  • add: Display radiation on the map
  • add: AR glasses and how to get them
  • add: radaway/radx effects
  • add: Nudity and character interaction (beta)
  • add: Possibility to get imprisoned in the Vault 13 and seduce the guard
  • add: night Vault 13 door lockpicking (not finished)

Additional changes:

  • fix: scroll window mask glitch (handbook bug)
  • fix: various map screenshot bugs
  • fix: map bgm fade out player bug (some events stuck when pause button was pressed)
  • fix: various events bugs (exhibitionism, and other related to moving to other maps during the event)
  • add: new cheats - evasion/accuracy/critical/defence

Download links: Win x32 | Win x64 | Linux x64 | Mac OS



Garm Eyes

I'd rather see more encounters, monsters and scenes than more features.

Kalyskah Team

We've been refactoring our game's code too and I know quite well how hard it is to rebuild systems from scratch while trying to smoothly keep old features working. I wish you the best in your endeavour and I'm really excited to see how everything will come along!