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I tried my best to keep it under a professional cover, but as things stand now, prolonging out of my control, I believe it's best to let you know a little about my situation.

First of all I want to be clear:
The situation I'm about to describe is just temporary.
It will not affect me or this Patreon in the long term.

As some of you already know, a few weeks ago I resulted positive to Covid-19.
It was nothing serious that time around, I just had some fever, cough and little sensibility to smells and tastes.

Despite all medecines and cares, day after day I was getting weaker and more and more nauseated, which was obviously not good and prevented me to stay focused.
I thought it might have been some form of stress, after all I did worked on 10+ animations in just 2 months so I guess basis were there for it to be a real thing.

I also thought maybe I could get away with taking off some days from work without worrying anyone or damaging the veil of professionalism I'm trying to create here.
It sounded good, and that's what I did.


I felt worse and worse, I started to get scared.
I went to the Doctor and he told me these were not typical Covid-19 symptoms, and suggested I'd book a gastroscopy in the shortest time possible.

Without talking about how disturbing and traumatic this examination was, they found out there was an ongoing infection in my stomach caused by a cute, sneaky, asshole bacterium called Helicobacter.

Now, that little fella is nothing dangerous in normal conditions, but when the immune system gets lowerered for any reason, in this case probably because of Covid-19, it can proliferate and cause potential serious damage and very annoying symptoms.

Anyway, I got my hopes up, I talked to my doctor again, and here I am now taking antibiotics which are literally flooring my energy, will and mood.

In 4 days I'll finish the cure, after that there will be a week of recovery for the body to get its standard back.


I don't even know if I have the right to apologize, if it's even enough, or how can I make it up to you...

The only thing I can say for sure though is, as stated at the beginning, this situation is temporary

I will get back, stronger than before.

I'm in no position at all to ask for anything, but hopefully you legends can find some understanding and patience...


- Raith



Hey man, I ain't paying for u to game end yourself Dawg. Take all the time in the world, u got nothing to apologize for.

Xaldon Ajide

get better, look forwart to what you come up with in the future.