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My social life has never been as intense as these last few days.

Dozens of people wrote me the same message over and over again:

"Where can I get my Link / Key?"


I understand that when joining a NSWF Patreon people personally like, their state of mind might not be as clear or attentive as it usually is.
So this is a reminder that as soon as someone joins the Fervent Tier, a HUGE Welcome Note appears on screen and provides my thanks, the Key, the Link and a strong suggestion in tresuring it since, without it, my content cannot be accessed.

It's even so kind to send a copy of itself to the e-mail address registered by the account, so it can be checked as many times as needed.

In addition to this, the 1st of every month, I'll send a Batch Message containing the monthly Key and the monthly Link to every supporter that remained so through the process of pledging as a way to make their life easier accessing it in the future.

Unfortunately Patreon does not allow me to create automated messages to new Patrons, so I'm force to use the Welcome Note feature, which is, sadly, not stored in PMs.

Out of 10 random Patrons I chose to test this feature, 100% of them stated everything worked as intended.

Please, refrain from sending me messages about where to get the Key unless a problem occurred or you can't access it for some reason and, in that case, provide a description of the problem so I can investigate.


- Raith



The welcome banner is annoying so I had to screenshot it so I could achieve the link


like it'll just disappear for a second for the stupid patreon thing to go "welcome"