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So, next month is at the door!

I'm having a hard time in believing there can be a worse month than this past one, but caution is never enough.

So many things happened, most of them not quite beneficial or encouraging...

But hey...

We're here, we're alive, we're still rolling!

Let's turn the page of this chapter and begin writing a new one...

... with a Bomb.

From the 1st of September onwards, links to my works will need a Decryption Key to be seen.

Unfortunately none of the strategies we discussed worked against piracy on my content, so I'm forced to apply the most effective solution:

Tomorrow I will deliver everyone the Decryption Key through Patreon Batch Message and setup the same Automatic message to newcomers.

I will change the Decryption Key once a month.

This key is unique and will give you access to the Main Folder where I stored every animation, so you don't have to jump around the page to find what you are looking for.

Also, tomorrow, every link will be updated with a unique one that will lead to the Main Folder.

It's sad, I know, and none of you deserved such a treatment, but this situation really hurted me...

Luckily it will be over soon

We'll all be getting used to it and it'll seem like nothing had ever happened!

Not to mention I even have to re-upload everything on something different than Drive since, apparently, it doesn't allow sharing mature content.

... I did not know. I guess I overlook their Terms.

With that said...

Next month I'll finally be able to work peacefully on my first Request which will involve, as most of you already noticed, Fatalis and Safi'jiiva!

If this format works, as stated in my first goal... yes, the first one, which we reached like a month ago... I'll open some Request Slots!

So get ready to fight because...

The first will be free! ~ 💖

Details on that, once I finish the current project.

And that's it! 


- Raith



Can't blame you at all. People are getting worse and worse every day. Anymore it's necessary to make things hard to steal from people who try. People have stolen things from my family's work trailers a few times so I know how it feels to be wronged.


It's unfortunate that you have to take this step, but fortunately it is not too onerous if all of the animations are in one folder. It will help with the automatic scrapers, at least. Changing the key is a good idea, it means that anyone wanting to steal from the primary source will need to stay subscribed to get the full gallery. Here's hoping there's not too much overhead on changing the decryption key. I didn't know GDrive didn't allow that, lol. Guess I've been breaking the ToS too! Best of luck with making the animation, the first poses of Fatalis were delicious! If you don't want to have people fight over an animation request, you could either have them request static renders instead, or have a post requesting ideas, then put those submitted ideas into a poll. May help reduce hurt feelings on those whose ideas are not chosen, heh


Yeah, I'm really sorry it all came down to this. I tried my best coming up with an effective solution which wouldn't burden you with passwords all over the place... That is the best I came up with, for now. Unfortunately I need to pay Mega to be able to change the key every month, but it's nothing compare to the damage from piracy. Also that is a pretty cool suggestion, thank you! 💖


I'm really sorry to hear that, it sucks. Also thank you for understanding, it means a lot... ~ 💖

Christian Ne0L1nk

ah well, it could be worse, really, so it's all fine :3 you found a way after all, so yeah. that's surely better than doing nothing and changing the passwort once a month is not a big deal and yeah, that's kinda funny with gdrive ... because then I would break the ToS too *cough* also very nice idea with the requests there, looking forward to it~