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As expected, Kemono didn't answer my request in the time they specified.

I contacted a lawyer, instinctively, and we spoke about how we could proceed to make them take down my stuff, but, as expected again, there is not much we can do to track them down, which nullifies every strategy we could come across.

I'm unwilling to go through legal channels, I just wanted to know if there were good enough possibilities to achieve my goal.

Unfortunately, as things are at the moment, unless they accept my request, there are none.

So I've been doing some quick researches about how to prevent future leaks, and I stumbled upon something quite peculiar:

My leaks on Kemono only expose the content of the posts, description included...
But not the comments!

Now, there is probably a good reason for it.

I thought maybe their scrapper just quickly copied the state of the post at the time he got to it.
However, older posts already had some comments when Kemono scrapped them, so I'm cautiously optimistic in believing it has some some kind of instruction in filtering the comments.


Which leads to a possible solution:

Posting links in the comments!

Now, I know some Kemono posts of very well consolidated artists have some comments on them, but I strongly think they are far less than what they really are on the original Patreon page.

I also believe that what is done is done, since they don't actually update the changes of every post in real time, but rather keep a copy of them, so there is no reason in me moving every links to older posts in their respective comment section.
I might change idea on this thought though, depending on how things go.

... But yeah, it sounds like a good strat to me.

The alternative would be finding a storage online which allows protections on files, changing their locations, updating every single link, creating a password, finding a way to let you know the password, keeping it up to date...
It's a tedious process for me AND for you, and I'll get to it ONLY if after every other attempt fails.

It goes without saying that I'll state something on the lines of "Links in the comments!" in every future posts.

So hopefully you legends won't bother if I'm trying to find a solution to this problem, I know I'm asking a lot so...

Thank you for your incredible support!


- Raith



I've looked a bit into the scrapper used by kemono party. Comments ARE scrappable, I'm not sure why they dont always get scrapped. I don't think switching to posting the link in comments would fix the issue. Keep in mind that kemono ONLY gets content from automatic scrapping. If you can find a place kemono doesnt support, you can be sure new content wont get on kemono. I've seen other artists use a few methods to avoid kemono scraping. One method is sending out a google drive link in private messages when a patreon joins (generally for a year+ worth of content) tho I'm not sure how access if revoked, or sharing art/links through discord (tho kemono is trying to make a discord scrapper). I can share more in private if these options seem good, but most solutions involve more work on users.

Christian Ne0L1nk

might work but ... I had a look on the "little dragon - little mouth" post. my comment and your reply to that are visible there too. so ... not sure if that would work sadly ... except you edit the message. I do not think the kemono post shows an edited comment. I will test it with this post here - this part I will delete after I sent it - and check if that's visible there then also yes, having another storage, which is linked with patreon should work. I know it from other artists. before you can see the content, you need to accept that this storage checks, if you are a patreon of that artist or not. how was it called ... uh ... primeleap, or something. but I also heard that one is kinda wacky. for some it works fine, for some not.

Christian Ne0L1nk

okay, guess I need to edit it tomorrow, it needs a while until it shows a comment there


Yep, you were right. Literally one day after, many of the comments on my posts were uploaded on Kemono. Not every single one but... Maybe I should not lose too much time in finding rough solutions and head straight to the most efficient one. I'll check out my options on Drive.


Thank you for support. I've supported a creator on PrimeLeap for one month a year ago. I still have access to all of his stuff to this day so... I guess it's a no-go. Unfortunately I believe the only efficient solutions, as Sanguine pointed out, involve some kind of private link or password.


I think it's okay to send MEGA's link-sharing decryption key as a personal message, and of course, it's quite cumbersome, so it's a temporary measure until we find a better way, hope this will be resolved well anyway.

Christian Ne0L1nk

okay well I was checking again soooo ... it kinda works. the comments of this post here are still not there. 5 days has past since then. so yeah, the comment start does work, for a while. I guess, if you change a comment, that takes the same time, so if you post the links in the comments, we check it out, after a while you delete it again or edit it ... well, kind of an annoying strat, but well x3

Christian Ne0L1nk

wait I am stupid, I just got another idea. you just could send us the links a privat message. I just got one message from an artist who does it this way. might be a lot of work, but that works for sure