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I'm a day late on the roadmap for this week, but that's primarily a combination of taking a break after the big release, wanting to let the contest deadline pass for an announcement on that, and also just having a really nasty respiratory something that left me taking things easy yesterday.

Anyway, with the deadline up, I've made my choice on the super short game that I plan to pump out in just one week. I've actually decided to merge two ideas that both really caught my eye and yielded the promise of some strange things I can implement to really get in some good practice with the coding language. So, congrats to SCHP for their suggestion of a scientist trying to undo a failed experiment that's sapping her body mass and growing her chest and to Leet for their idea of a potion making alchemist.

I'm going to take these two awesome ideas and create the first ever Near N. Far Mini: The Alchemist's Apprentice.

This week will be spent working on that with the intention of releasing it by Sunday evening. That means I have to do the full conceptualization, learning new coding, writing the code and prose, and debugging all in just (oh god) five days. It's a bit ridiculous, I realize, but this is serving as an intro to a new Harlowe language concept for me called Storylets. I plan to use them extensively in BE JOIful, so this will be a great way to try them out. I've also got some great ideas on using text styling and timers to make this a pretty dynamic experience. However, it will be super short. Like, 3 passages, with a few options for the final passage.

I hope you all enjoy this type of project. If it goes well, I hope to implement this sort of thing more regularly around my bigger game projects.


1. Conceptualize game

2. Learn new coding techniques

3. Write code

4. Write prose

5. Debug game

6. Release game


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