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With Enter the Expansion Mansion now content complete, I wanted to make this post to collect feedback. I am a deeply insecure person who views everything I do as inferior, so I'm actively fishing for comments on what everyone thinks of the finished product. (That was somewhat of a joke. Please don't hesitate to offer constructive criticisms, as well.)

So, please, comment below and let me know what endings you got, which were your favorites. What did you think of the setting, tone, characters, writing, smut, etc. Was this super hot to play through? Did you just find it interesting? Did you find anything you're pretty sure no one else is likely to have found (there are a few DEEPLY hidden secrets)?

As I'm about to soon start work on my next game, I'd love to hear what you liked and didn't like, so I can adjust on the front end this time. Changes are easier to incorporate from the get-go.

Thanks in advance for any feedback you have to offer!



Found a bug; poking through the code, I found two $wifeLac wishes that never came up for me. Looks like the idol page sets $wifeLacT to 1, not $wifeLac. I enjoyed it immensely. A lot of great, fun, hot expansion scenes, characters were fairly written, and as far as point-and-click-adventures go, a good adventure! Kudos for the massive level of inter-connectivity updating descriptions based on bust size and things you have/haven't done. Reviving Meloni with too much was my fave scene. Great reward~. The Wishes were a stand out too. It's been mentioned before, but the system sometimes not letting you page back after a The End was a little annoying. Otherwise, I don't have much to critique; the game very much accomplished what it set out to achieve.


Its so strange to see the "end of an era". I found this little game a few months back, saw the patreon, bought in for the early access, and haven't looked back yet! Your writing is phenomenal, and I found even playing through the game over through the 12th time, I still read everything in front of me. The characters seemed well rounded (heh, nice) and believable, and the interaction between wife and MC made it for me. I think I got more... enjoyment... with their interactions throughout the game. Not saying the ending wasn't mind blowing, but that they were together through it all really made the game that much more fun.