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Commission Tier?

  • I would absolutely sign up for it. 1
  • I like it, but not for that cost. 0
  • Not interested. 9
  • I like the option, but I am unsure if I would sign up for it. 12
  • 2024-01-21
  • —2024-01-28
  • 22 votes
{'title': 'Commission Tier?', 'choices': [{'text': 'I would absolutely sign up for it.', 'votes': 1}, {'text': 'I like it, but not for that cost.', 'votes': 0}, {'text': 'Not interested.', 'votes': 9}, {'text': 'I like the option, but I am unsure if I would sign up for it.', 'votes': 12}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 1, 28, 13, 27, 17, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 1, 21, 13, 19, 51, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 22}


This is an idea I've been considering for a while, and it would, at minimum, be after finishing Enter the Expansion Mansion that I would consider implementing it.

I've considered creating a third Patron tier that would be something like $50/mo and limited to probably 1 Patron (at least at first). This tier would include the usual supporter access such as Version releases and polls, but it would also include a single, very short custom project just for the Patron. I would keep it limited, obviously, in order to ensure that I am still prioritizing the development of the main game(s).

This custom project would be something like 1000-1500 words with maybe 2-3 decision branches. Think a short story with customizable choices/endings.

The $50/mo would just be the initial cost of the commission. You sign up, I work with you to create your project over that month, and then you switch tiers or cancel. You would not need to keep paying the cost every month. Theoretically, the project would be completed within that month, as well.

If I were to implement something like this in the future, would anyone be interested in such a perk for around that cost?



I haven't answered the poll yet, but let me try and reason out my knee jerk reaction. As a fan of your content, in a vacuum, this would be cool. Being able to point you in a direction, wind the key and get something unique is enticing, but I can quickly see things blowing up on your end. First, after the money has been exchanged, you might feel obligated to perform whatever task was presented. What if the person asks for content you are uncomfortable with, or time limits what you can do that month? That person has put down money, there is strife, and no one is happy at the end of the day. The more I think about it, the more I see a dangerous rabbit hole that would lead to burn out, distress, and walking away from this, but that's just an outside perspective.


All good points that are absolutely on my radar for something like this. There would be a very clear list of what is allowable, and the content would be specifically limited in scope to ensure a manageable level of work. It would also not be available every month at first. I would disable the option until the first project was complete and I was certain I was able to take on another. Illness and life curve balls aside, my work pipeline is getting better and more manageable. I'm learning a lot more about Harlowe and Twine. Once I'm done with this first game, things will be easier going forward, add I won't have to fight the dumb decisions I made when first learning. I really do appreciate the feedback, though. It gives me plenty to keep in mind on something like this.

Some Guy

If my understanding of it is correct, then I would be interested.


Basically it would be a "Pay $50 for a custom short story with a decision or two that changes the ending" and it would be limited to one patron at a time. It would just be handled through a new tier.