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After a few long days of dealing with the fallout from the winter storm, I finally had things calm down enough that I was able to knock out some good testing and bug fixes. Please note that I'm in no way 100% certain that I got everything, so if you notice anything odd, PLEASE don't hesitate to let me know.

This version, as mentioned before, includes assorted bug and typo fixes, including:

Fixed bug that caused the Countess to remain after being vanquished

Fixed bug that let you put on the hoverbra repeatedly

Fixed bug that prevented you from reading the books in the library case

Fixed bug that caused turning pages in the journal to go to the wrong page

Here's the link. I hope you all enjoy!




Aw man, very excited to dig in and see everything! Question, is the devil needed to achieve the ultimate goal of reaching end game, or can she be ignored (and not sell your soul) or better, just used to give the wife more on top? Just curious as I tried various ways to get the code (including cheating, which awesome job shutting down by the way!), so I'm just cutious if she was designed as an in-game cheat code, or if she is necessary for moving the story forward.


Wishing is necessary to get to the final area. You can use the devil for other purposes, but you'll be limited to just the vanilla ending at best, which is fine, as a lot of the devil content is still very fun.