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Well, as I mentioned in my brief update in the middle of last week, life saw fit to rain down all hell on my schedule. I spent multiple days at the vet with a sick pet (she's mostly fine now, so no need to fear) and even more time force feeding meds to said pet. Also had a sudden visit that took up a few days. And then my wife and I ended up sick for about a day and a half.

I did get a bit done on the game development, but I would've liked to get more. That said, unless this week is a full repeat, I should have time to get a lot more done. So the roadmap looks mostly familiar this go around:

1. Complete downstairs dialogue options.

I also want to take a moment to mention the fact that this update will have no new expansion sequences or new endings, but it will be laying some groundwork for things you need to do if you want the eventual "true" ending that will be chock full of fun. The next update will be a much quicker turnaround and will only add a single room and a new expansion sequence. The following update will be a BIG one that will add a single room, but lots and lots of fun stuff, including ways to activate content I've already put into the game but that has not yet been accessible.

As always, I forge onward!


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