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It's been a long week with a lot of coding and recoding and relearning code that I'm not very knowledgeable on... and then more recoding. Basically, it took all week just to get the bones of the game working the way I wanted. But I think it was worth it. I'm putting up Version 0.1.0 as a sort of preview. It contains the landing page, intro sequence, save system (yep, we're starting with a save system this time, though it's much less necessary due to the nature of this game), as well as the menus for preferences and scenario selection. There are no scenarios in the game at this point, but you can view the titles, which should give you a tease of what's to come.

I hope you enjoy this early look at the game. This weekend will involve a lot of work on the first scenario and I hope to have Version 1.0.0 out with at least two scenarios soon. I'll also be hosting another pseudo contest to have your ideas turned into an official scenario, so stay tuned for more details soon.

Thank you all for your continued support as I enter into a new era with a new project. I hope this game is also to your liking, but I also want to assure you that I will absolutely be returning to a more standard text adventure format for my next game.

Anyway, enough chatter. Here's the link:




seems promising, but a couple things: #1 after the question about lactation was answered affirmatively and I was brought to the menu, there appeared to be a story involving lactation (milky way), however when checking my preferences the box for it was not checked. I manually checked it and returned to the menu, and that story was still there, I then manually unchecked it and it was still there. #2 please consider an option for instant text, or at least speeding up the text, it's way too slow for me


I'll double check that variable flag. Thanks for the heads up. And yes, I have plans to implement a "click to advance" feature with the dialogue scroll. I had already worked out a setting to affect the speed, but it was yanked out during one of the coding overhauls.


Just a suggestion, might be nice to have other options for "her". Maybe a starting chest size, hair color, or even what she should call her assets.


I hope to include exactly those options and others in various scenarios. I want to ensure that I'm careful not to add in too many variables for all scenarios, as it can lead to stilted writing to Ensure it works or it creates far too many branches to be practical. This project is requiring careful planning to ensure it doesn't create a situation where the juice isn't worth the squeeze.