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Well, work has been chugging along for the past two days. I'm planning to do some quick testing, and then I'll be releasing the preview version (V0.1.0) later this week. It will contain an intro and the scenario selection menu, though no scenarios will be in the game until the V1.0.0 release in a couple of weeks. This will mostly be to let you awesome people get a feel for what this new project will be like. The actual content release will follow soon after.

I also want to mention that I've given a lot of thought to the title and framework of BE JOIful. After seeing from the poll last week that less than 30% of my Patrons are here for the X-rated expansion content, I'll be putting more emphasis on the BE and less on the JOI in the new project. This will also include a name change to B.E.A.I.

I feel this better encapsulates the vibe of "sentient voice in your device is walking you through expansion content" than the previous title. 

For those after the more explicit stuff, there'll still be plenty of content in that regard, it's just going to be part of the whole, instead of the main focus.

If you have strong feelings either way about this shift, now's your chance to let me know. The later part of the week will see the start of work on the prose for the first scenario, fittingly titled "Vanilla BE." I plan to complete this and at least 2 more scenarios before the release of V1.0.0.


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