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Happy 2024 everybody!

This update was a doozy to figure out so it took a lot longer than I planned. Unfortunately, I haven't gotten growth mechanics solved all the way from skinny to blob, but I think it's about halfway there. I pushed the skinny rig to its limits and going much further causes a lot of problems. I think I will need to make a hybrid setup using techniques from the skinny body and blob body to bridge the remaining size gap.

The growth effect in the last WIP post was a decent start, but it still felt a little stiff since the character's skeleton was not reacting to the additional weight and mass. To fix this I set up her rig to react to physics forces which makes her spine and limbs more wobbly as she gains weight. It's still a bit rough around the edges so some weirdness may happen occasionally. I want to tweak the settings a bit more, but it'll do for now.

I also added a way to interact with her jiggly bits at smaller sizes. Now you can click on different parts of her body to give them a jiggle. I want to have grab and drag interactions like the ones on the blob body eventually, but since this setup is totally different it might take me a while to figure out how to achieve a similar effect.

That covers a majority of this update, but I did add a few small things as well. There are now framerate options in the settings menu so you can run the game at higher FPS if your PC/display can handle high refresh rates. There's also an option to disable screen effects (like the VCR effect in the Snackrooms). I added a few new hair styles as well. Lastly, I (hopefully) fixed a bug where SteamVR would open if you have a headset plugged in. Let me know if it's still happening for anyone. It's hard for me to test since I can't seem to reproduce the issue reliably.

Thanks for your patience with this update and I hope you enjoy!






Ooo, very exciting! I didn't get a chance to play it yesterday, but this looks fantastic! Going off of the preview, my only critique is that I think her upper body (about from the chest up) wobbles around too much. She violently head bangs and shakes around when she walks. Other than that I love this. But you said you were still tweaking stuff, so I'm not too bothered by it. My favorite part is the transition to the new size. How her legs spread out to accommodate her growing weight, it's very hot. I'm super looking forward to the future of this project. It's already amazing so far!


I like what you added with the update! Was wondering if there was a way to import designs from the last build to this one or if I have to remake them. Either way I'm excited to see how this goes


Absolutely amazing addition. Loved it!

Thomas Olson

Really love messing around with the build! Only request is perhaps adding options for food you can feed in the areas outside of the buffet (and factory technically.) I find some satisfaction in dragging the food over to your character. Naturally it doesn't have to be as varied as the buffet, but maybe an ice cream stand at the beach, or just some food located in the fridge of the apartment/just out on the counter.


I know I'm late to the conversation, but this really is an amazing build. One thing I'd like to see in the future would be more options for 'mobile' weight distribution (as in the character could become belly heavy or boob heavy).


I've been meaning to do that for a while but keep forgetting lol. I will add that to the next build though


I will make other mobile body types for sure. Maybe I can also make some options to gain or lose weight in specific areas but I havent figured out the best way to do that yet


Things just keep getting better (and bigger :D) One thing i've loved since I discovered this game is the status effects. I Gotta ask. Do you have any plans on making them occur naturally during gameplay? Eat too fast get hiccups, eat too much greasy food and start tooting, sweating from eating at bigger stages. Your game just gives me all the right kind of inspiration lol


Thanks! And yes, I want to explore that kinda thing eventually, especially once I start developing more scenario driven content.


Finally got to play this update, and I got a lot to say. I actually decided to go hunting for bugs out of simple curiosity. Apologies in advance 'cuz I got a lot to say pfft. First and foremost. I need to say that this is really, REALLY impressive. Jill's movements at larger sizes have a nice sense of weight (I like the detail of far objects getting rattled by her footsteps). The transitions between size stages are very smooth too! The change of belly/boobs/butt having separate jiggles is also a massive improvement from previous builds. I also like the walking backwards was removed simply because... it tended to look odd at the best of times. I can only imagine how janky it'd look at this updates sizes. That aside- the bugs I found, first off. Some minor ones. - as others have said, at the largest mobile sizes, Jills torso can flail around rather wildly. - at larger sizes (including before the legs spread out), walking up stairs looks... for lack of a better description. A bit janky. I dont mind, but this may become an issue for when Jills larger than this are eventually added. - Sometimes the belly or boobs can be oddly stiff when running Finally, the two major bugs I encountered. I've attached an imgur link as I feel description does note suffice here: https://imgur.com/a/b5glHQI --- Bug 1: If the player is walking, and pauses before Jill sets her foot back on the ground. Then enters the snackrooms through the stage select while paused. Jill will retain her weight upon entering the snackrooms. Allowing her to be in there while larger than intended for the map. This does not create any serious issues. All I noticed is that entering the snackrooms while too big makes progress impossible, and that it is likewise impossible to step on The Plank while at a 'waddling' size. --- Bug 2: When the game is paused at larger mobile sizes. Jill's belly, and only her belly, slowly clips in an odd, 'spinning' sort of fashion. --- Lastly, I had some ideas (admittedly mostly for the snackrooms) - since 'waddling' size Jill is incompatible with the plank. Maybe there should be analogous 'hazards' or 'weight checks'. Maybe something like a catwalk, rickety stairwell- or as I had suggested on twitter before. Patches of floor unable to support larger Jill. - someone suggested a frequency mechanic for farts. May I suggest something similar for stomach growls? Have them less frequent initially, but grow more frequent the longer Jill goes without eating (I could see it being something that 'resets' whenever she eats) - Maybe an ability for the smallest Jills (that is, before she starts waddling) to climb ladders or ropes. It could be another avenue for future Snackrooms updates (or other scenarios) to make a fatter Jill unable to reach places that a skinnier Jill can. And of course- another avenue for either of these things to perhaps break under her weight. That all aside. You really do excellent stuff my dude. I look forward to seeing how your game will look in the future.


Glad you enjoyed and thanks for the feedback! There's a few issues caused by the run animation, like stairs being kinda jank and parts not jiggling as much as they should. I've tried a few times to solve these, but no luck so far. Hopefully I'll stumble into a solution sooner or later (maybe I just need a new run animation but idk). As for the major bugs, I know about the belly twisting when paused and I've been trying to fix it, but haven't had much luck yet. The other bug (loading the Snackrooms while paused) is a good catch that I never noticed. I just spent a few hours trying to solve both these, but I ended up breaking things elsewhere with every solution I've tried. Tbh the pause mechanic has been a massive headache throughout development and it's constantly causing issues with other systems. It seems like both these bugs stem from that, which makes them difficult to solve. I might not be able to fix either of these bugs in time for the next build, but I'll keep trying. The other suggestions are good and I'll be sure to keep them in mind as I continue development.


Have you thought about adding npcs? Like having 1 or 2 other girls you can swap to.