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Hello! As decided in my last poll, I've been focusing on sizes between skinny and blob. To be honest, it's been more complicated than I expected, but after a lot of trial and error I'm finally getting some results I'm happy with.

In my last build, some of you might have noticed that all the jiggly bits moved in unison. That's because every part of the body used the same motion sensor to determine how it should jiggle. It's not a huge deal at smaller sizes, but as the character gets bigger, this flaw becomes more and more noticeable. To fix this, I added multiple motion sensors in different parts of the body to help the jiggly bits move more independently. Here's the sensor for the left side of the butt as an example. 

There's a lot of settings to play with so it takes plenty of testing and tweaking to get the jiggles to behave right. In addition, settings for one size may look bad when applied to a larger size, so all of these numbers need to dynamically adapt as the character gets fatter.

Adding additional motion sensors improved the jiggle quite a bit, but having so many on the same mesh in close proximity caused their motions to interfere with each other. This sometimes made it look really wonky. To fix this, I had to separate the jiggle painting into 3 different layers - one for the belly, one for the butt and and one for the breasts. This way I can isolate motion sensors to more specific parts of the body so they don't interfere with each other as much.

That pretty much takes care of the jiggle effects, but there are still issues with the character's animations at larger sizes. I want her to move with more weight and effort as she gets fatter and I'm still trying to figure out the best way to do that. I've had some success with it as you can see in the first GIF, but there are still a lot of little issues I need to iron out before I'll be satisfied. 

Anyway, that sums up the major stuff I've been working on lately. Unfortunately, figuring all this out has been a heavier lift than I expected so I haven't made as much progress as I wanted. To make up for it, I'm going to try to sneak in a few of the lighter-lift suggestions some of you mentioned in my last post. That said, I'm hoping to release a new build with this stuff sometime next week. Thanks for hanging in there while I work on this next update!




looks great

Clatter Kree

I can't wait to test it out


yo merry christmas


the gif looks awesome, your hard work bears fruit