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Positions have been filled, thanks everyone for the interest!


Hello everyone!

We are looking at hiring a Software Developer(s) for a FA Token Maker project.

We’ve mentioned this project a couple of times in the past and we have been chipping away at making it a reality in the background, to the point of having a working prototype with the basic functionality.  

Unfortunately the dev working with us on this project had to step away due to some circumstances outside of our control.

We have a good idea of what we would like to build, how it should look and function, but we lack the insight and the know-how. Since we are all artists and not software developers.

We are very confident that our ideas are achievable, based on the discussions and testing we’ve done so far, but some parts might be quite complex and challenging to realize.

>This is the feature list doc<

We would like to work with someone who is confident in their ability to pull this off so we can avoid any further delays and bring this project to life for our community as soon as possible.

If you think you are qualified and this piqued your interest, please reach out to us on jobs@forgotten-adventures.net .




I have no such skill, but wish you well for this project, a token maker app would be very cool. Good luck 👍


If I understand correctly you are looking for to hire just for this project right? What are the deadline for this project? Is the pay for the delivered project or it would be an hourly estimated / payed?


Answer to all 3 of those questions is kinda "Depends" :D so please feel free to reach out and we can discuss further


If this is ever open sourced or even if it just allow patrons to create PR’s I will be more that welcome to contribute. Looks like a sick project.