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Next creature in our series of Epic/Gargantuan/Gigantic monsters that we’ve decided to tackle something truly made for combat. It has teeth like spears, claws like scimitars, wings like hammers, and a tail like a battering ram. Lesser beings cower in its presence, and its breath fells armies, an Ancient Red Dragon!

Properly Gargantuan at 38×27 at full scale in all it’s glory.

Recommended FoundryVTT scaling is 13x13 at Scale 3.

Total # of tokens in this pack:  14!

--------Download Links--------

Patreon Download Part1
Patreon Download Part2 

Website Link/Free Download




Love the size of this!!

Marshall Watson

What a beauty! I've been waiting for the ancient dragons to get some love xxx Hopefully the green ones will come out in time for the BBEG big moment.


So glad the ancient dragons are coming!


If all else fails, colour 5 is green, just not the official shape. Hope they do for you too!

Marshall Watson

I think I might hold out hope for a green variant of a blue dragon. BBEG is rather bulky compared to standard greens, and I'll need to do some photoshop I think. But if all else fails, Its nice to have a fall back. The colour shading on these are so good

Jorge Campos

¡Just what I needed!



John Charles

Now. We. Are. Talking! Let's go!


Can we please please get an ancient black dragon? I need it for my campaign soon. Lol it’s a main plot point coming up in a few sessions.


Will definitely use this is my age of ashes campaign