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Next creature in our series of Epic/Gargantuan/Gigantic monsters that we’ve decided to tackle is a custom one – Cloud Ray!

Properly Gargantuan at 21×21 at full scale in all it’s glory – giant enough to strike fear into the hearts of even the bravest of adventuring parties when it covers the sun rays and covers the lands with it’s shadow – when you realize it’s not just another cloudy day it might already be too late – Surprise! it’s Cloud Ray!

Total # of tokens in this pack:  13!

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Andre Böttcher

Holy moly.. that thing is awesome. The thing is so big, it's already its own battlemap. Good job @Grace


I think you should take all the creature tokens and turn them into statue objects for DungeonDraft. That would give us a huge variety of statues.




quick question. is there a possibility that in the future there are coming out more laboratory assets


Literally about to run an encounter at with my party encountering the Storm Manta from "All Beneath the Yonder Seas & Streams" and a Kraken. This is perfect and is perfect timing.


These creatures are honestly one of my faves. I loved them in Vampire Hunter D, I love them wherever they pop up. What a delightful thing to see on my dashboard.