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Varied selection of metal floor textures ^_^

Hope you guys like these!

Total # of Assets in this pack: 115!

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*Dungeondraft Disclaimer*

Converting Assets into Dungeondraft properly takes a bit of time, we have to upscale, make suitable assets colorable and also tag everything.

This means that this and all future asset releases will be included in our Dungeondraft Integration after couple of days, once everything is properly converted, tested and integrated!  You can check the changelog at the bottom of the Integration post.

There will also be an announcement on Discord as usual for the update & If you are an active Patron, you'll get an email notification about the Integration post being updated.



Al Yen

I love these and I need them. In a few month I‘m starting some VTT SF/Star Wars Sessions. It‘s time to prepare and these textures are coming handy


Yes, more assets that can be used in sci-fi!!!


There is actually quite lack of them, and fantasy is overflowing. I'm starting a Dune campaign, and it has been hard to find suitable material for that...

A Fox

I feel that lack. Miska's Maps is the best resource i've found for sci fi assets, though these are going to be VERY useful, and i'd love to learn of others. Tom Cartos's western-themed stuff is pretty useful for a Firefly or Star Wars-oriented game. Maybe some usable stuff for Dune.


Sweet, was looking for metal textures for my campaign.


If you need sci fi assets that are good, consider giving a chance to HellScape Tabletop Assets. He's a very hardworking guy and has amazing variety of assets.