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All tokens are in PNG format and DOUBLE our usual resolution (400dpi) just in case you need a bigger version (for example Enlarge spell) you wont lose any detail :)

This pack contains 6 new Creature Tokens each with multiple color variants:

  • Aboleth - Large - Scale200 
  • Cloaker - Large
  • Xorn - Medium
  • Oni - Large - Scale200
  • Gorgon - Large
  • Medusa - Medium

*Scale<%> - Artwork of  these tokens is larger than their Bounding box.

For example a Token with ” *_Large_Scale200_* ” in the filename has intended scale of 200% or 2x of it's 2x2sq Bounding Box.

Which means that for recommended scale in Foundry, You should set the Scale(Ratio) to 2 in Token Image Settings.

Total # of tokens in this pack:  90!

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Patreon Download 

Website Link/Free Download 



Dan Gragert

Dude get out of my head LOL (no but seriously, don't... ) How awesome that! I literally need like 3 of these within the next month! haha &lt;3 Thank you all for your hard work on all these assets. Backdated internet hugs all round.


More than half of these are going to be immediately used thanks to my party going into the Undermountain - what amazing timing and great work!


I imagine it's probably not a coincidence that you put the Gorgon and the Medusa in the same pack, eh?