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Hello everyone!

As you may know we've updated our licenses couple months back. We are very happy with them overall, but we've gathered some feedback about couple of things that we agreed needed a slight adjustment.

So based on feedback and our own observations in the last couple of months we've made some small changes to the license.

We are adding an exception for redistribution of unmodified assets for foreground layers in VTTs:

4.1.5 Some VTTs allow mapmakers to set up maps with multiple layers, including transparent ones. Regardless of what is said elsewhere, you may include unmodified assets (such as tree canopies) in such VTT versions of map products so long as it is integral to the function of the map that those assets are on a separate layer.

The point [4.2.3 You may include Tokens with a map or a bundle of maps, but only up to [5] Tokens per Product. ] was removed.

Originally we have allowed distribution of some tokens with standalone maps or map bundles, however, after further internal discussion we are not really comfortable with this use case, as it is very easily exploitable to just include and redistribute random tokens with random maps.  

Rules for adventures are not changing, so In a Pre-Packaged Adventure, you may include [1] Tokens per [325] words of written text. So if you have descriptions, statblocks etc. for the map this should not affect you, as that would count as an adventure not a standalone map.

We've decided allow streaming and video content without need of a commercial use license - Proper Credit is required still.

8. Streaming and Video.  You are allowed to use or display Assets, Tokens, or derivative works in ttrpg related streams or recorded video, regardless of any monetization of such streams or videos.

We've adjusted the wording of the credit examples, as people found the [XYZ] a bit confusing.

11. Credit.  When displaying or distributing a Product, regardless of what sections of this Agreement you are operating under, you must give proper credit to us.  At minimum, you must include a link to www.forgotten-adventures.net and a statement like “maps were created using assets from Forgotten Adventures,” or “tokens used in this stream were obtained from Forgotten Adventures” or something similar.

These changes are now live, The license document was updated and can be found  here as usual:  https://www.forgotten-adventures.net/copyright  

Note:  Category/Section numbers have been shifted slightly because of the new additions.

We will make sure to keep you informed if/when we have to make some adjustments. We do not plan on making many changes or doing them often, these are all being implemented mostly based on the initial feedback right after the release. Any big changes, if they ever come, would be announced way in advance to make sure to give everyone enough buffer time.

Thank you ^_^


Gregory MacDonald

I'm consistently amazed with the generosity of your licensing agreement. I don't currently use FA assets in a commercial or public context, but I have a few things on the back-burner that I've been thinking of doing, and your incredible assets and collaborative policies make those ideas feel possible. You folks rock. Thanks for everything you do.