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Hey everyone !

Last time we ran a survey we had a great turn out and got a lot of useful data! We've got another one for y'all, this time geared towards tokens!

If you've got a few minutes to answer we would really appreciate hearing from you. These surveys help us gain insight into how you play your games and use our content, which helps us make more informed decisions about producing that content!

WHAT: This is a quick (5 minute) survey to help the FA team learn about what kind of tokens you use in your games and how you use them!

WHO: This survey is written for GMs running 5e D&D games, because our last survey indicated it was by far and above the most played game for our followers. But if you are a player or are using a system similar to 5e you are welcome to take the survey anyways! Just adapt the questions to your situation as best as possible and skip any you find not applicable at all.

Link to the survey:


Thank you!

(We are going to leave this survey open for at least a week! That means until midnight CST Dec 6th.) 


Simen Lande

I just want a good Beholder token, because that's impossible to find.


Tom Cartos works with Splattered Ink Games to make tokens. They have awesome beholder tokens :)

J. Tuttle

So you're not going to make stuff for Pathfinder any more? That seems to be what the survey implies.


"any more" would suggest we did before, we've always focused on 5e first since that's also what the vast majority of our community plays (based on previous survey), That's why this one is also focused on that specifically. Doesn't mean we wont branch into other systems tho

J. Tuttle

All righty

The Ugly Dm

If you made portrait tokens, I'd absolutely use them!


FWIW - I typically use top-down or isometric tokens for most enemy-type creatures. I use portrait tokens for my PCs, NPCs, and key humanoid enemies. My players have really liked it that way because it helps them keep track of who-is-who among RP characters and PCs, but also keeps the combat map relatively uncluttered when simply mowing down trash mobs, like a swarm of giant wasps or a horde of nameless goblins. I am always on the look out for some nice, clean portrait tokens for humanoids of all races, and "generic NPC types" (the barman, the innkeeper, the milkmaid, the blacksmith, etc)


Is there a larger version of that image, to look at results? Both the one in the email and here on Patreon are a bit too small to read.


Is there an HD version of the graphs? I can't read the text with the current resolution.


As someone who exclusively plays Pathfinder I don't find this to be an issue with FA assets.


You have probably seen a token stamp creator that lets you make portrait tokens out of any image?


D&D and Pathfinder already heavily overlap. I play both and have been satisfied with FA's tokens in PF.


oh, yeah - I mean - I'm totally capable of making a portrait token out of any image by myself (that's what I'm already doing) ... but it would be nice to have a go-to resource for portrait tokens. Someone creating sets of 'em with similar art style and reliable quality, etc.


If I could wish for one thing, that is more Cthulhu Mythos tokens. I know they aren't used as much in DnD, but they are in Pathfinder (which I play)