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The destruction continues!

After the generic rubble, it's time to start with some objects :)

You can find a some broken / damaged / fallen chairs, stools and tables in this pack, as well as Fallen Doors ^_^


Total # of Assets in this pack: 354!

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Website Link 

*Dungeondraft Disclaimer*

Converting Assets into Dungeondraft properly takes a bit of time, we have to upscale, make suitable assets colorable and also tag everything.

This means that this and all future asset releases will be included in our Dungeondraft Integration after couple of days, once everything is properly converted, tested and integrated!  You can check the changelog at the bottom of the Integration post.

There will also be an announcement on Discord as usual for the update & If you are an active Patron, you'll get an email notification about the Integration post being updated.



Mark Castle

This looks amazing, thanks for the continuous flow of such awesome content


Question, are there any plans to make broken down wall, floors and roofs as an asset pack? Just want to know if I should wait for quality or keep smashing rubble at things and hope it work?


Broken wall endings are in the works, floors and roofs not yet, as we dont have it figure out how to approach it yet. But there will be some solution eventually I'm sure


Thanks for the answer, much appreciated. Would floors not work with Dungeondraft if you made square shapes where one half is undamaged and the other half isn't so you can have them meld with an already existing floor since the floors are already grid based? Or maybe having some sort of line tool where one half is rubble poking out and the other is just flat so it should meld with the floor? Sorry if my explanation is a bit wonky.

Gerard SERRE

Bonjour, c'est magnifique pourquoi ne pas réaliser des portes et des fenêtres qui ne soient pas abîmées. Encore bravo


Thank you for the amazing work!


This comes just in time for my session this week which will feature a house with a devastated room. Awesome <3