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Hello Everyone!

First of all, we want to say a huge thank you to all of our community! Forgotten Adventures started as a small one-man project and has grown into a six-person team with a community of thousands. We wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for all of your enthusiasm and support. It has been a wild ride so far, and we are looking forward to continuing to grow as a team, project, and community!

We’ve got both exciting and mundane news on some upcoming changes for Forgotten Adventures that we want to share with you all.

1. pCloud Sync

As many of you are aware, Google broke the “Backup and Sync” Shared folder Syncing options that we were previously using to allow patrons to sync the entire FA catalog to their computers. We have been looking for and testing new options for a while now, and we are happy to announce we have found an alternative! We will be using pCloud to allow patrons to sync all assets, tokens, and Dungeondraft files to their computer.

The pCloud Sync will be available to Adventurer (5$) Tier and higher patrons starting next month, June 1st, 2021. This folder is synced directly from Stryxin’s computer, so as soon as content is released it is automatically added to your computer! You won’t ever have to manually download packs again if you don’t want.

We are especially pleased that we can have Dungeondraft files in the pCloud folder as well. This means that you won’t have to delete old packs and download new ones every time we update them if you choose.

We need to invite/add people manually to our shared pCloud folders. There is no way to automate this process, so it’s going to be handled through a request form on the website, where you will be able to choose which folders you want access to for syncing (Tokens, Assets, Dungeondraft packs).

We will make a step-by-step guide on how to set up the sync properly after you’ve got the access.

You’ll need a pCloud account in order to access the folder. You can sign up for free on their website: https://www.pcloud.com/

Important note: You need to select the United States Data Region when signing up for pCloud!
Because we can't set up a sync between regions and our account/folders are set in the US region.

2. Commercial Use

Some of you may have noticed that the Merchant Tier has been hidden for a while. We are currently working on revamping our commercial license, and the method of how it will be implemented. We do anticipate that it is going to be very different than what we have right now, but our goal is to create something clearer and more professional, that remains true to our values.

We are currently working with a lawyer to write the license, so we do not know when the new license will be done! Once the new license is written we will have a specific announcement for it. A new license means that the old one will be discontinued, but there will be a grace period of at least a month after the new license is announced, for Merchants on the old license to switch over. Because everything is very much still in the works, we won’t be able to answer any specific questions about the new license yet, but we promise to keep you guys up to date as things progress.

3. Dungeonfog / Project Deios Integration

We are super excited to share that we have teamed up with DungeonFog to bring our assets to their mapmaking platform!

We are still working with DungeonFog on the exact details and how your Patreon support is going to be implemented, but the expectation is to have our Assets available in the DungeonFog battlemap editor and the future Project Deios application.

And while assets will be added to their marketplace for regular purchase, we are also working on a method to automatically unlock them for everyone who has the DungeonFog Premium Subscription and is also an Active Patron of Forgotten Adventures at Scholar/Wanderer ($3) tier or higher.

Development for this Patreon integration with DungeonFog is still in progress, but we are hoping that the systems are in place sometime in June - We will keep you posted once we have more information and details!

4. Battlemaps

Our battlemap releases have always been rather rare and sporadic. We want to say formally that we are not planning on making any new maps from here on out. All patrons will still have access to maps we’ve already released, including all variants, and Scholar/Wanderer (3$) Tier or higher patrons will still have access to Clip Studio Paint files for those battlemaps.

We do have some plans for something new for battlemaps, so keep an ear out for that! 😉

5. Facelift!

FA is going to be getting a facelift soon! Joe has been busy helping us with all sorts of graphic design things, so we’re going to be rolling out a new logo and some new banners for the website and the Patreon next month!

6. Tier Changes

Starting at the beginning of next month (1st of June 2021) we are going to be restructuring our Patreon tiers to accommodate these new changes.

A reminder: all of our assets, and the base color variant of all tokens, are available for free, and will always be available for free!

First up we are going to be retiring our Scribe (1$) Tier. This means that the tier will be hidden, not deleted! Anyone who is subscribed to the Scribe (1$) Tier at that time will stay on it, but new patrons will not be able to sign up for it. If you unsubscribe or change your tier after the Scribe (1$) Tier is hidden, you will not be able to rejoin it.

The Scholar (3$) Tier will be renamed Wanderer (3$) Tier and will now give access to both complete Dungeondraft and Dungeonfog Integration (when Dungeonfog Integration is finished).

The Adventurer (5$) Tier will now have access to the pCloud Sync folder.

The Explorer (10$) Tier will remain unchanged.

The Merchant Tier will remain hidden. Individuals still on the tier are free to remain.

New Tier List:


3$ Per Creation

·         Dungeondraft Integration

·         Dungeonfog Integration

·         Color Variants for each Token

·         Access to All previously released content


5$ per Creation

·         pCloud Sync for Assets, Tokens, and Dungeondraft packs

·         Early Access to all Content

·         All rewards from previous tiers


10$ per Creation

·         Clip Studio Files of Tokens

·         Exclusive Explorer’s League Channel of Discord

·         All rewards from previous tiers


We are nervous, but also really excited to be making some of these changes! Most have been a long time coming.

Thank you again for being part of this project with us! We are looking forward to continuing our asset and token making adventure with all of you!

Best Regards,

The Forgotten Adventures Team




Will Scribe still have Dungeondraft integration or will we need to upgrade to the new Wanderer level to keep that?


Excited for the facelift!


Exciting news, thanks for the update


I'm especially excited about the integration with DungeonFog. I've been slowly filling my storage limit with FA assets.❤


Honestly the logo does need a change, it doesn't show the artstyle or the quality of the assets


Congrats, you surely deserve that success! I'll stay at Scribe for now since I'm low on cash, but I must admit even the new tiers have a fair price tag. And your business model is just awesome: Get everything *you need* for free, get everything *you want* by paying. That's Patreon as it should be!


Great news, especially the coop with Dungeonfog. It's my favorite map making tool, but until now it was a real pain to upload all your stuff manually.


New patron here - love your work! I’m using the Dungeondraft integration right now, which is awesome. However, I really prefer my workflow in Campaign Cartographer and all the features it offers. Is there any plan to make a CC3 Symbol Set? Or if not, is it possible to get the textures as BMP so I can create one? Thanks!!


No worries! Thanks for the reply! I’ll continue using DD for now, or perhaps try to convert the JPG to BMP for the terrain brushes.