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We are trying to fill some gaps in our library and also update the “Old” assets, bringing them up to our new standards ^_^

We have a lot of new Fireplaces, Lamps. Street Lamps & various Lanterns in this pack for you!

Hope you guys like these~ ^_^

Total # of Assets in this pack: 823!

--------Download Links--------


Website Link 

*Dungeondraft Disclaimer*

Converting Assets into Dungeondraft properly takes a bit of time, we have upscale, make suitable assets colorable and also tag everything.
This means that this and all future asset releases will be included in our Dungeondraft Integration after couple of days, once everything is properly converted, tested and integrated!




Ok clutter is good and all but dungeon decor is *chef's kiss*


This isn't packaged as a .dungeondraft_pack? Seems to be a zip of pngs in folders.


There is a dungeondraft disclaimer in the post. Once the assets are converted there will be an update to the integration that will include the new assets.


Great job ! i was look for more diversity for light in mu dungeons maps.

Dan Gragert

Man you guys are really cranking these out. And you get them to the DD pak files pretty fast too. <3 Much appreciated!!

Dan Gragert

tbh, they usually end up updating thd main asset pack within a week or two. Doesn't take 'em long. :)


Nope! I missed it. Not enough coffee this morning. Thanks for the quick response. I'm new here and understand now!

Gerard SERRE

Bravo, Bravo, et encore Bravo vous êtes le meilleur

Gerard SERRE

J'aimerai des toitures en bois (Planches) dont certaines avec de la mousse et des trous


Very impressed with all the dungeon décors you create, every new pack you add delights me.

Bart Heird

HUGE shout-out for this pack!

Federico Marinucci

So beautiful! I really hope you'll release more broken furniture in the next packs!