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The Phantom



Two notes: It is sad and ironic how, after Lane's death, the company is doing better than ever and practically swimming in money. It was only a few months ago (in show time) when Lane was fishing for projections and they canceled Christmas bonuses. If only he could've held out a little longer... Also, in one of the episodes, Pete is discussing his insurance with the guy on the train, and what would happen if he died - subtle foreshadowing there (and a bit of a red herring) I didn't pay attention to before. Secondly: what happens with the lady Pete is having an affair with is another sad reminder of what were the possibilities for women (especially housewives) at the time. In that sense, you could say Betty got lucky. Here you have a woman who is so bored, so miserable, so mistreated, that her depression has her thinking of suicide. Her piece of shit husband doesn't care at all and puts it all on her, so the only thing left to do is shock treatment - because why cure the underlying problem if you could just shock the symptoms out of her?


There's also a sense of helplessness on Pete's end, one that I find ripples throughout the show. She tells him that the treatment works, that they can't be together, that they need to say goodbye. He wants to be her knight in shining armor and rescue her (it's how he meets her in the first place), but there's nothing he can do -- she doesn't want him to save her, she knows that any fantasy Pete has conjured up is just that, a fantasy. It's not only the situation at hand causing his helplessness but her asserting her own agency to say "you are not needed here".

Scott Pearson Eberly

Like most I have a love-hate relationship with Pete. But I can’t stop from chuckling whenever Pete gets punched. He can’t help but act like a sniveling douchebag after getting punched; automatically losing any sympathy. Even the officer of the New Haven Line lays him out after Pete informs him he’s the President of the Howdy Doody Circus Army. Pete’s righteous tone while spewing colorful pretentious craziness is the best.


I love watching him get punched in the face more than any tv character. From the first episode I always thought his face was so punchable. That being said, I have a lot of empathy for him. What a broken little man he is