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Lady Lazarus



Really glad you guys have come around to believe Don is actually trying to be a good husband to Meagan. Doomed to fail as he may be.

Scott Pearson Eberly

Curious… why would you stop, especially in the middle of a season doing away with a full length YouTube version? Is it merely to save time from uploading/exporting? It’s been an interesting experience rewatching one of my favorite shows Mad Men with you guys. Before this I had only watched YouTube cuts of movie reactions when I’m finishing up a project and color grading. I’ve really enjoyed the experience, but I also realized I listen to you before and after the episode, however, during the episodes I’d CC you guys on my iPad while watching on a 95 inch screen. I like to peak at you guys but I’m a dialogue guy and it’s all I want to hear. Now, I’ll see you guys laugh or look surprised but I have no idea what you’re saying, Plus it’s not worth the effort to try and re-sync since you don’t stick a time code with the count. Just curious why you did away with it. Regardless, $5 a month was well worth the experience. Thanks.