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What We Owe to Each Other


Maria Stoycheva

on the question of where it was shot: I recently visited Universal Studios and actually saw the fountain from the show live on the set there! So at least part of it was shot there. apparently it is a very popular set and easy to re-dress for different shows and styles. As I said in other comments, I am finding it very hard to comment without spoiling anything. So much happens in this show and so quickly, that it becomes very tricky for us as your viewers. I wish you were noting down your guesses, though, so you can look back at them later and see how they compare to the actual plot. Maybe worth keeping an eye on that. It might be that some of your early guesses become reality in later seasons? For example, you keep saying "We should definitely see this person at some point!" - maybe we will? Blind Wave have the habit of taking notes from the shows they are watching (they are the definition of professional reactors, so they put way more effort into it than is required of any hobbyist for sure!), and they would sometimes pull out their early notes and see that they called a major plot twist very early. it's fun (for me, at least) :D

Laura Filler

Michael explained the points stop upon death


You're right! We were just kinda spit ballin ideas trying to figure out where the story is headed. We forgot that he already covered that.