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I'm So Happy For You


Crazy Ex-Girlfriend, Season 3, Episode 5

I'm So Happy For You



This is one of the episodes when I felt the most kinship with Rebecca -- having valued friends move away, and reach life-stages that you haven't yet, can be legitimately upsetting. Of course she went on to handle it in the worst possible way, so she lost me there. "The Group Mind Has Decided You're In Love" is of course a direct take-off of "The Farmer and the Cowman" from Oklahoma!, complete with solo verses, dance interludes, and super-widescreen ratio. And it's true, it was a direct reply to all the fans who were DEMANDING that WiJo and Darryl get back together.

Rozenn Keribin

It's easy to think of "The Group Mind Has Decided You're In Love" as being a reply to all the fans who wanted Darryl and Josh back together but I feel it has to have been more deliberate than that. Like, if as a show you have two characters who broke up like Darryl and Josh did, and you then have repeated scenes of them together as we had this season with Josh babysitting, the two happily hanging out all the time, WATCHING SHOWS together... I mean, the characters themselves call themselves out for behaving in ways you'd expect a couple to and not friends! They just know (because they're them) that the cause isn't what everyone was assuming it was. But from a show perspective you don't do that and not know fully what you are implying to the audience. I like how they really honored both sides preferences for having or not having children without making either side the villain and have Josh strike a pretty normal-person balance of not being actively hostile towards children but also not changing his mind on having his own just because he's capable of enjoying children as people. I'd guess they teased Darryl and Josh getting back together and then squashed it partly as a subversion of the trope where children bring a couple back together, changing the heart of a person who hadn't wanted any.


The show is so good at subverting expectations. Just when you think you know where it's headed it completely zags! It's amazing.