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Christmas Comes But Once A Year


Mad Men, Season 4, Episode 2

Christmas Comes But Once A Year


Actuarial Lurker

Something to stick a pin in- alcoholism, war, untreated PTSD, and what it means to be a man. Betty's dad Gene was in the WW1 trenches and kept the helmet of the German soldier he shot, Roger Sterling tells Betty and Don (when he hits on her at their house) about how his dad Sterling Sr. was a real man for bayoneting people in the trenches but then recounts his own trauma running fuel in the brutal South Pacific subject to suicide torpedo Kiton attacks. When they fired Freddie in 1962 Roger related how Sterling Sr and Jr both thought Freddie was just a radio signal man, but then gained respect for him when they learned this was respite care after being on the front lines killing Germans like from Saving Private Ryan. The CEO of Mohawk Airlines who they fired in Season 2 to go after American Airlines was Roger's poker buddy from the South Pacific Theater so saw nasty stuff. In Season 1 Roger tells Don after they don't fire Pete that Don's generation is "licking an imaginary wound and his generation drinks because that is what men do". The first scene of Season 4 is the wounded veteran with the wooden leg who interviews Don and says "who is Don Draper" and is dismissed as "half a man" and not a real reporter by Roger since he fought in Korea and was injured. With that background- we have NOT seen what drove Duck to alcoholism and we don't know what Lane who is in his 40s did during the war. We know Cooper who must have been born in the 1890s would have been 20 during WW1 but was rich and din't fight. Pete, Kenny, Harry are all too young to have fought in Korea and are too old and married to fight in Vietnam. We now have the idea that Season 4 is about Don's "non-functioning" alcoholism after his prior "functioning alcoholism" in Seasons 1-3 so it might be good for Joe and Kevin to think about the male characters through the lens of trauma and how it turns into alcoholism as they watch season 4


That's an interesting point to make. Obviously a lot of them had seen combat, but it's just an environment where drinking is encouraged. They have meetings with a pitcher of a Bloody Mary sitting right there. They even have a liquor closet. Now trauma is different, they all have it but in different ways.


The Roman Orgy line cutting straight to the maalox on Roger’s mouth is next level hilarious and genius for basic cable standards and practices.