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Ways And Means


The West Wing, Season 3, Episode 4



After rushing Season 2 with no brakes and coming at a sudden halt in Two Cathedrals and Manchester, the show starts to accelerate again, ready for a new challenge There isn't really a lot to talk about this episode if not for "We're coming back to something we're used to", we see people fighting the fights, all together, everyone helping each others, some gags like the Ballerina and deep moments like the pen This is to say: the peak of The West Wing is not followed by a downhill, but by many many more mountains


I love that about the show. It had a great season and finale, but that's not the end! It has an uphill battle and we are totally here for it.


One of my favourite episodes of season 3. I always enjoy the CJ-centric episodes because Allison Janney is such a commanding actor. I also like seeing Ainsley as it has been a while. As much as I love that she's friendly with everyone it is kind of funny and so unrealistic to me that, as a Republican, she would help CJ with her overtly political plan haha. But at the same time, I know she is their lawyer it just seems a bit of a stretch. Not that I am complaining at all as I love her being one of the team lol.