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Mad Men, Season 3, Episode 2


Weird Magic

Can't wait for that 11/23/63 wedding! Originally airing on August 23, 2009, 'Love Among the Ruins' is Episode 2 of Season 3 of Mad Men. It is the 28th episode overall and has an IMDB rating of 7.8, placing it as the #13 ranked episode of this season and #23 out of all the episodes shown so far.

Brian Harris

Paul is such a dummy not to realize he was poisoning the well with the MSG people, but I do also kind of feel for him. There are a few characters on the show who are artists making the best of living in a world where artists are not respected - Peggy, Sal, Paul, and Don all fall under this heading. I think Don’s the only one who has a visceral enough understanding of survival to see that. Paul has an aesthetic objection to MSG, just as Peggy has one to Patio. She can dress it up however she likes - in the end, she thinks it’s bad, pandering art, and Paul thinks the same of the Garden. I think Don thinks so too, of both of them. The look on his face while he’s watching Ann-Margret is bemused and admiring, but what he’s digging is the craft, he knows it’s shallow and stupid conceptually. And I think he gives Peggy a good life lesson for an artist when he tells her to suck it up. Paul needs to learn that too. I always think about that scene when I take a theatre directing gig for a payday, which I try not to do too often, but hey, money is money and you can’t pay your rent with Bertolt Brecht and Anton Chekhov. Be nice if you could, but that’s not the world we live in. Every artist has to struggle with the balance between survival and transcendence. We almost never get both.


Didn't really think of it that way. They all admire something but they have to let it go in the end. The real world interrupts the fantasy.