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Ted Lasso, Season 2, Episode 5




One of the best things about this episode is that Higgins and the woman who plays his wife are actually married in real life. That huge smile when he sees her always gets me.

Roland Cooke

Matthew Kerr, the seventeen year-old Irish Ronaldo who will probably have chips for dinner and a wank before bed, is named for the son of Steve Kerr, the head coach of the Golden State Warriors NBA team, Matthew is a writer on the show. Great interview with Matthew here, spoiler-free I believe https://theathletic.com/2874657/2021/10/07/qa-ted-lasso-staffer-matthew-kerr-on-what-its-like-to-work-on-the-hottest-show-on-tv?source=user-shared-article (Steve Kerr is also a regular guest on Men In Blazers, always worth a watch: https://youtube.com/shorts/W1k1ADZD_8g?feature=share )

Roland Cooke

In response to Higgins' bemused shout-out of their takeover of Wrexham AFC, Reynolds and McElhenney sent a legal letter demanding restitution - in the form of Ted's cookies of course....! https://www.tvinsider.com/1010412/ted-lasso-ryan-reynolds-rob-mcelhenney-wrexham-afc/#amp_tf=From%20%251%24s&aoh=16750082814844&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&ampshare=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.tvinsider.com%2F1010412%2Fted-lasso-ryan-reynolds-rob-mcelhenney-wrexham-afc%2F The show (Welcome To Wrexham) is a brilliant watch in its own right and I think it will add to your enjoyment of Ted Lasso, especially ahead of the upcoming Season 3.


I was so excited to see this one pop up with all the others. Overall probably one of my favorite feel good episodes! When it first came out I had the same response you had, pretty much pure joy at the reference to Jerry McGuire (you had me at hello!) and you two even added rom coms I had not even thought about (Pretty woman, one of my favorites!). You two are really on point with a lot of this and its so much fun to watch this again with you!


I really hope that movie gents like yourselves recognized the When Harry Met Sally reference in the direct addresses toward the end of the episode, but your lack of reaction when she started telling the how-we-met story makes me think you didn't..?


Ooo! Also, I love the violin breaking apart into dissonance as we get that close up of Nate's face at the end. It's a brief but wonderful moment of the score doing important storytelling.


"Fuck you're amazing. Let's invade France."


Accepting Roy's bad behavior? No clue what that commenter was referring to. He has never done anything with bad intentions.


He never had bad intentions but he is a little crass sometimes. Don't get us wrong we are completely here for it! We LOVE Roy and think he is the best!


Right: you can definitely behave badly even if your intentions are benign. People do it all the time. But Roy is my favorite curmudgeon with a gooey center of tenderness 🥰


THIS episode has the BEST scene in the entire show. Roy Kent's coming back to Richmond gave me so many chills like you guys. It is perfect from the start to the end, it is a very emotional and well put together scene. They built it every second of the season, every second of the episode: the whole scene and everything around that is incredible Higgins and his wife (I do not know if someone told you, but they're married in real life), Keeley looking at him when he walks in the field, McAdoo smiling because he's back, "You had me at coach", Beard fighting the tears It is the BEST episode of the show and it has the BEST scene of the show