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John Sanchez

Does anyone else wonder if Jenna's stalker is Yolanda Saldivar?


Just so you know, season 3 episode 2 is a “banned” episode, and it isn’t on most streaming sites. I won’t say why it was banned, and whether or not I agree with it but the reason why is obvious should you watch the episode. Suffice to say, it may be harder for you and other patrons to find a full copy of unless you have the dvds. It is okay to skip it if you need to do so, I think most people will understand though some might protest. Up to yall of course just wanted to give you a heads up.


It was a real day for you two to watch Will Arnett being run ove by a car...


Kathy Guiss is such a wonderful character. The obsession with unicorns, Marky Mark, and soap operas are so funny.


Sure thing. So there are 3 episodes of 30 Rock that have been “Banned” and removed from streaming services at Tina Fey and Jane Krakowski’s request. All three episodes involve jokes with characters in blackface. Episode 3x2, 5x4, and 6x10 are removed from streaming services and as far as I know can only be found on DVD or illegally torrented online. I tried to see if I could find a decent copy for you both, but I don’t see any that I trust but maybe someone else will have better luck

Roland Cooke

I got to see Will Arnett hit by a car twice in one week! 🤣