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The Quality of Mercy



From Mad Style: These scenes (with Sally at Ms Porter's) were about the many ways in which she’s trying to get away from her father’s influence by embracing her mother’s desires for her, but she keeps demonstrating the falseness of the statement “My father never gave me anything.” From her blue plaid to her smoking and drinking to the need to punish someone else, Sally’s story this episode was about how she’s more like Don than she ever wants to be. Note that Rolo is wearing a black turtleneck, just like Don, the man Sally really wants to punish. Stand-ins within stand-ins in this story." https://tomandlorenzo.com/2013/06/mad-style-the-quality-of-mercy/

Robert Bauman

Sally wanting to run away from her family after that traumatic incident is an understandable reaction but also something Don would do. Maybe her Dad gave her the "run away from my problems" gene instead of nothing lol


Great call. It is totally reasonable to want to get away from that situation. It's very possible he did. Only time will tell with her character arc.