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Red Moon


jimmy2k4o .

I love how Neil repeats Ed’s words on the moon “we had a rough start but decided to pick ourselves up and get back to work” It’s the “one small step for a man” of this show. It’s the theme and the attitude. Then “what becomes of the broken hearted” plays again for the astronauts. The start of the episode asked the question asked “what becomes of the broken hearted” and end of the episode ends it.

jimmy2k4o .

The lady that died in Ted Kennedy’s car was not a “professional” she was a political operative that worked high up in Bobby Kennedy’s 68 campaign. Her name was Mary Jo kapecne, she was Catholic and made her career fighting for liberal causes. I don’t mean to sound rude but I think how you described her is a bit misleading and disrespectful. In many ways she was denied justice, Kennedy left her in a flooded car and didn’t report it for over 10 hours. The person who discovered the car and examined Ms kapecne said she asphyxiated in the air bubble in the car, meaning if Ted reported it right away she would have lived. The Kennedy’s managed to convince the parents of Mary Jo to avoid an autopsy, fearing it would reveal that she was alive for hours in the car before the air ran out. Anybody else would be charged with manslaughter but not Kennedy. He did great work in the senate but to me that doesn’t excuse the negligent homicide. A innocent man going to jail is a horrible injustice but a guilty man not is just some trivia about him that people vaguely remember. They say the Kennedy dynasty died that day. She was a respectable dignified lady. People hypothesize that they were having an affair as if that matters. You should watch “chappaquidick” with Jason Clarke Great movie there’s a bit were Ted disappoints his cousin by refusing to resign and says “Peter betrayed Jesus, Moses had a temper, I’ve got chappaquidick” and his cousin replies “Moses did have a temper but he never left a girl at the bottom of the Red Sea” The movie cleverly shows different versions of what Ted did after the accident because he kept changing his story. They bring in McNamara, Sorensen and all the Kennedy people to do damage control. When Ted proposes an idea McNamara sighs and said “Ted you make me long for the days of the Cuban missile crisis”. Because Ted is a f*ck up and an idiot…..according to the film.