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Scott Pearson Eberly

The kernel that inspired this episode: Paul Newman was actually speaking at an awards dinner the night Dr. Martin Luther King was assassinated. Newman was interrupted while speaking with the news that Dr. King had been shot. So the writers decided to have ‘King Cool’ himself speak at an advertising awards banquet that Mrs., not Mr. Draper was up for an award.


I love that we didn't actually get to see him either. Keeping him at a distance was a brilliant choice.


Pay attention the the subtle art of costuming and how the costume designer ties people together. Notice Sally wearing plaid quite often - that is also Don's motif, and ties them two together. Another one of Don's girls favours plaid, and that is Peggy. In this episode, Don and Bobby are also dressed in similar hues, signalling their connection to each other.


The costumes are so underrated on this show. They're absolutely gorgeous. I love that it adds to the story too.