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Team Cockroach



I think I'd be okay with a screwy afterlife if it got me on a team with Ted Danson and D'arcy Carden, tbh


Bottle episodes are often my favorites for any show (take your pick - Parks and Rec, Community, Star Trek: DS9), and this one is no exception. I love that an episode as integral to the plot as this one all basically takes place in a single room, and is as much about how our characters are dealing with the circumstances as much as how it moves the plot forward. Team Cockroach is born of fear, distrust, and animosity, but also hope, wrestling with one's inner demons, and embracing the challenge of becoming better. It's everything great about this show in a nutshell.

Andrew Hansen

My answer for the debate of like vs Picard is the Sisko. What ds9 episodes wwere you thinking of?