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The Fourth One! (The One With the Chernobyl Refugees)


Laura Dawson

I was a teenager during the 90s and we all knew the dance to Saturday Night by Wigfield and would dance in unison whenever it came on. And yes, custard creams and Jammie Dodgers are still available over here.


I would love to visit Ireland someday! I have Irish roots and it would be amazing to experience the culture first hand.

Laura Dawson

I live in the UK now, but my family lived in Northern Ireland for a while during the 90s. My dad was in the British army, so we saw a very different side to it. I was at boarding school in England so was only there in the holidays, but I remember it being a nice place, but occasionally scary. I remember being told to never tell anyone what my dad did for a living or where we lived. And I remember my dad checking under the car for bombs before we went anywhere.