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South Korea is notorious for its gruelling academics where children from a young age go to school then academy after academy after academy and end up coming home super late only to do more homework. This pressure is directed from parents, teachers, schools and even the government. As everyone aims to graduate from the top 3 universities in SK to get a good paying job. I don’t if you’ve heard SK’s SAT exam day is a big deal:parents pray in temples, police officers drive any late students, and planes are stopped/paused?? during the listening exam portion. Overall this pressure has a proportional relationship with SK’s high suicidal rate. I have heard to counter this pressure, the government has enforced shorter academy hours but it’s an ongoing issue. I think this episode highlighted this but there are loads of K-dramas that make this the centre of show and is very representative, I’d love to see you watching one!! Ps. As your also watching Glory, I’m not sure if this actually true, but it’s been discussed that the reason ‘bullying’ (essentially school violence) is very high in SK is because the kids have so much stress, depression, resentment and hate in them, that they get project it on other students. Obviously thisnt an excuse but just a possible explanation. Extra Ps. I 100% agree with Steph and Wes, if I was one of the Mujin kids parents I would be in absolute outrage and definitely wouldn’t want Mr.Bang to be set free. That’s my kids life in danger Yknkw ???!!! But while he went about it the completely wrong way and maybe he does have some psychological issues, I think he never got be saved or liberated so he wanted to do that at least once for someone else even if it had consequences..He sent a good message at then there ‘later is too late’ .

Jane Ling

39min wes said "i don't think anyone of you would agree with us" - Just to throw it in - i absolutly do agree with you. I'm a mother of a 4 year old from Germany.


i agree with you as well! im not a parent, but i agree that parents have a right to know that their kids are always under proper care. like... what do you mean you let some random man kidnap a whole group of children?? ive listened to so much true crime that i know how badly it could end


I think you’re feeling exactly ALL the things you’re meant to feel watching this, we’re all adults after all. The only thing that made me feel ok about the whole situation is that the pied piper himself seemed to be the only person who understood what he did was wack. He was ready to accept any punishment just to give those kids one day of freedom and ‘make his point.’ Head in the clouds for sure but that was the only thing about him that made him likeable / redeemable to me. How many people do you think would risk a likely very lengthy sentence and the reputation of someone who messed around with kids for the rest of their life just for 4 measly hours of playing? He’s crazy, that’s for sure but if that’s the hill he wants to die on, they should just let him💀😂EDIT: Oh! I was most offended by the way he described schools and the parents because that could be a very dangerous prerequisite in the future ? Like, telling a bunch of impressionable children that they can’t trust their parents and teachers and that they’re enemies is wild and is bordering on grooming even if it’s unintentional. EDIT 2: I’m 20 now and was always considered a well behaved and polite student but man did I get so many detentions from arguing against bathroom use restrictions and stupid shit like coloured socks or wearing a jacket indoors when I was cold. Schools need to focus on the education part and not operate like weird part time prisons.


i wanted to comment that sometimes i like episodes of tv/movies that are completly detached from reality, because that woud never happen irl. people would never be sympathetic to a guy that took 12 kids to a random forest on a random mouintain. but then youve mentioned Kaczynski and yeah... mr fart would probably have some fans


It's really interesting that myths/legends or fairytales from Germany like the Pied Piper seem to be known around the world haha but it's fun to imagine that you share childhood stories with everyone in the world :)


I'm not a parent but if I got told my child was kidnapped by a man to play games in the forest I'd freak the F out!

Keziah Boamah

The sad fact of the matter is that this is kind of what goes on in South Korea. These exhausting and extremist academies do push kids to the limit with studying which is why South Korea has a high suicide rate as well as other factors. While I’m not sure if it’s as severe as the 12 hour sessions and locked academies as I am not korean, it was nicely portrayed in this drama. Also this connects to your BTS reactions because if you remember some of their songs from their earlier days, this is exactly what they’re taking about. With songs such as N.O. and no more dream. Sorry for the long paragraph😅 As always if I’m wrong, feel free to correct me!

Tanya Attoh

If that guy is mentally ill, so are the parents. Yes, he did a TERRIBLE thing. I completely agree. But the parents are doing much worse over a long period of time. And it will have lasting effects on physical and mental health. Having said all that, I'm not parent lol. And you guys made some great points. 😀


I will say, as a person who graduated high school a few months after lockdown started, the bus drivers in my city are issued ids that they have to have swiped once they’re ready to pick up the children, and there’s a head bus attendant/security guard who has a list of names, buses, and faces to keep track of who’s driving what bus. Also, there’s a small headquarters downtown that is always keeping track of which bus drivers are driving which buses, as well as delays. Parents are able to call the headquarters if there are delays as well as to ask for a meeting if there are issues on the bus due to other students or the bus driver themself. Along with colored cameras with audio and how the buses and head quarters have police level walkie-talkies, most of the parents in my area feel safe to send their kids on the bus. (I should mention that, all of these things have been implemented due to issues in the past, but over the past 8 years, they have made sure (in my area at least) to increase security over the children as well as the driver.)


I had such a good comment and the app closed and deleted it! 😫 TLDR; my school taught me that studying for long periods without breaks or a stopping point, and cramming were damaging to learning because eventually your brain will have a cut off and will no longer properly store information. I also took a math prep class and the topic we covered most? Psychology. Essentially we learned that schools and teachers are actively ruining student's future chances of learning math properly while teaching incorrectly, but they are also traumatizing children with math to the point their is a legitimate "math trauma" recognized in psychology. The thing that changed my life was learning math isn't like normal subjects, it's actually a language and must be learned as a language. As a linguistics major, this helped me so much! In language you must learn like alphabet > construction > grammar > vocab. Similarly, the math ver. Would be Symbols > construction of equations (PEMDAS, ect.) > grammar (pi, words for symbols, words that tell you what kind of problem you're solving, ect.) The formula is the same and schools don't fully teach it this way. They teach through memorization or worse, when there is several ways to solve a problem, but only teach or allow one.. that was the worst in my case. I was taught that I'm stupid in math until my professor in Uni let me solve problems my way and said that while unconventional, I found really intelligent methods to solve problems since I never learned the "appropriate" ways according to my grade school teachers. I legit despise how k-12 teach students anything, but mostly math which is a very ableist approach.


Ooh, if the next ep is the one I think it is, it's a real spicy one that I can see being hot-button. It definitely sent me on a moral spiral that still drives me crazy that I still can't decide what side of the fence I land on since I'm personally invested in the situation.


Your feelings are valid and not hot takes. Funny that you suggested that he should’ve went to the media and made it a big issue instead, cus that’s pretty much what the show writers did with this episode lol. Feels like they came up w this extreme and wildly uncomfortable scenario to just get people to talk about the subject. Everyone is in agreement that the guy’s actions were very wrong. But the underlying message is what needed to get through to the Korean public. And at the time the episode did make a big impact where many Koreans criticized and were more opposing of the study culture.


i think woo's mom is one of a candidate for minister? that why reporters followed her everywhere


No you’re so right Wes. If you’re studying for 7 hours straight you’re literally wasting time and effort cuz you’re not even retaining anything at that point. You want to take small but plenty breaks in between so your brain recovers enough energy to retain that information. People say the golden time is 20 minutes and after that you start experiencing mental fatigue. You can of course go longer but like after a couple hours you gotta take a break. The moms say they want their kids to develop good study habits, but they’re using the worst method possible ironically.

Juliane G

EAW is a good show and Park Eu-bin kills it everytime. Thank you for the reactions! I don't like this episode though. Maybe I'm too sensitive, but the children kidnapping thing makes me too uncomfortable. However, if the plot actually encouraged people to reflect on South Korea's extremely high standards and abusive expectations upon students, it's a win. p.s. I am indeed too sensitive as I still can't bring myself to watch The Glory for the first time with you guys. xD


I kinda feel like it depends on the culture like korea, it's the reason why BTS made songs like N.O and no more dream when they were students. For my experience ever since kinder I have really strict tutoring. Class were 7:15 - 11:30(english)/1pm - 4pm(chinese) then tutor afterwards 4:30 to 7pm or 8pm and I didn't really scared me in a way... it's just normal since all my fil-chi friends are thesame and mine wasn't as stressful as my other friends who have tiger moms where they can't get 2 or more mistakes... it's just crazy cuz some parents just do this so they can show off to their friends.


I think I know exactly what episode you're talking about and I agree. Still don't know how I felt about the trial.


The show does a great job at that, which I love. Moral quandaries that shake up my world view are my favorite types of storytelling because I'm very philosophic I guess, where I don't like the idea of falling into an echo chamber. I like to learn new ways of thinking and testing my personal beliefs lol. But that episode really stuck in a way that I still feel conflicted. There's actually a Japanese drama on the same subject called "Daisuki!!" It's so good but kind of heartbreaking in some areas. I recommend

Lagn Mudos

Please watch The Heirss nextt


I finally got around to this reaction cause this case just gives me too much secondhand embarrassment. The whole issue is so poorly handled and is probably my least fav ep despite the funny moments outside the case. I am from India and the situation with children is pretty similar to korea, so i thought i should be able to empathize given i was part of the horrific system. But this episode just doesn't sit well with how they try to show this incident in a positive light. I agree with you guys so much!!! While the intentions are right, it is endangering kids and honestly, the messaging is odd. Yes, the parents are wrong, but how can one be on the side of an adult literally kidnapping children? Also wanted to add, he is probably beaten up cause inmates in general don't go easy on convicts whose crimes involve children (aka kidnappers, pedos, etc.)? I could be wrong though.


South East VA. In a city that’s somewhat big in general, but is relatively small compared to the others around us. We had a lot of unwilling bus drivers once COVID started to die down, so the city gave them a lot of incentives as well as a pay raise to encourage employment.


I don't think the beating up was because of the children, I think he was seen as someone mentally unstable, weak, and unable to defend himself, making him an easy target. But I guess that's my pov.

Md Sheam Bin Sayhid

Parenting be like that for most Asian parents from East, West to South.