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I think many things about how we view elves in modern fantasy ultimately came from Tolkien and his portrayal of them. Before Tolkien elves were seen more akin to the elves or fairy folk of Shakespear.

Sensei Senpai

I forgot where I heard this, but the way to understand this stories' demons is how we use duck call whistles when hunting them. We don't know what these sounds mean, but we do know that ducks respond to them and so we take advantage of that to hunt them down. The was we use those whistles is the same way demons use language.

Doug Oliver

One of the hardest lines ever. Are you stronger than me? I'm stronger than your bosses boss. I was waiting for the discussion in this video! I how Frieren has the foresight in writing to plant seeds for questions and answer them in perfect timing when it's needed.

Taka Uchiha

Is there a schedule for ur uploads by any chance?


I think the elves having problems with fertility or lacking romantic feelings trope probably exists partially to help with world building. If you have a race in your story that: - Doesn't physically age past maturity - Has the same reproductive instincts and fertility that humans have - Has no contraceptives - Lives for at least thousands of years Over the course of thousands of years each elf would surely have hundreds of kids. Those kids would then grow up and have hundreds more. You then have a big issue when it comes to overpopulation as it's not like they'll die of natural causes. Then you've got the problem of how any other race will compete with them in any way and then elves'll just take over the world in time.


It's pretty normal for long lived races to reproduce more slowly, if they didn't then they would quickly over populate any area they lived in,we see this all the time in the real world short lived animals reproduce rapidly, while longer lived ones reproduce more slowly. I'm going to say that based on what we've seen of elves that they are just as capable of romance as a human, but due to their long lives they just take MUCH longer to get there than a human would. I like how alien the demons in this world are, their thought processes are nothing like a humans, as for them using thinking and reasoning to live with humans, you're going to see what that looks like in the hypothetical second season, which given how popular this anime is we are almost certainly going to get. Finally this anime has peaks and valleys, from the start you've been in a valley, it's all nice and chill slice of life like, but now your about to hit a peak, so enjoy it and see why this anime has become so popular.


As I have read and understood it, Tolkien was trying to connect to celtic mythologies that had been lost in his homeland. He visited the west of Ireland multiple times. The name Gollum is possibly derived from Poll na gColm (Gollum) which is a cave in the Burren. The Tuatha Dé Danann, before they were demonised by missionaries, were very similiar to how Tolkien's elves turned out.


I was gonna compare it to the urban legend of a serial killer using the sound of a crying baby outside people’s windows to lure victims from their homes but I like/think yours fits better!

Daniel Huitron

Wes I was laughing my lungs out when you were talking about the finland speeding tickets. The reaction of your friends telling you "what are you talking about?" I can relate to that. I sometimes catch myself talking about some random fact and my friends/coworkers give me a weird look.. and they end up saying "what!?" I'm with you bro!!

Roy Mathew

This was a mind blowing episode for me when I first saw it. This is my own religious opinion but the demons I this show seem more like Christian demons in that they are irredeemable without any humanity an incapable of understanding love, which is why you aren’t supposed to make deals with the devil or even talk to them, because they are predators who tempt and manipulate for their own pride. In my own life I can say that my worst moments were defined by me knowingly inviting some bad influence or behavior into my life because I denied or downplayed how bad it truly was - specifically a sugar addiction lol that I’ve managed to beat over the past year.


what we study in Anthropology is that in cultures where there is a low survival rate, there is higher drive to have children and a lot of them (since most will die) and cultures that are comfortable with high survival rate will take their time and have 1 or 2 kids. So my thinking is that because elves live so long, their internal drive and instinct to procreate is significantly smaller than humans. As for inhuman creatures that speak human, you have the wendigo and various types of fae. Through fantasy, the elves have been made to be moral, but there's traditional lore that that's not the case. There's a song I love (10/10 recommend) called "Tir Na Nog" it's about a Elven fae who falls in love with a human and tricks them to crossing into the land of tir na nog, where they'll never be able to return home alive and the song has a sinister element to it where the elf admits that they know they did wrong and that they tricked the human, but there's no going back. Stories make out the elves to be savage beasts that hid in treetops, where they would then assassinate any trespassers. They were more bestial, and even some stories describe they eat humans. The rest of the fae (rather called Tuatha de Dannon) are all monstrous in some form or fashion, even cute pixies were liminal ankle biters. Some stories they would help and others they would hurt all on a whim. There's one tale of a brother who entertained them so they rewarded him, his brother found out and tried to do the same, but he was tortured and cursed because they were bored that he did the same thing. Another is the Dullahann aka headless fae that could only be killed or controlled if you find their heads. (Yes, headless horseman is a Dullahann. So he's a faerie lol) you also have Brownies, Gnomes, The little Irish ones I suddenly can't remember the name of but they used the promise of gold to send men on an impossible journey to their death so they could steal from them/eat them (depends on the tales you prefer) I'm pretty sure trolls and giants were also capable of speech and are inhuman. Hmm.. I'm sure there's a lot from native American culture but I'm drawing a blank right now. Oh! And how could I almost forget sirens and merfolk? Who use their singing to lure humans. All these creatures only started getting humanized since the 1800s with the rise of fantasy novels.


Expanding the dictionary :) Granat - garnet Draht - wire Lügen - lies

Wes And Steph

I'm with you on the sugar addiction. lol But also Wesley and I had the same thought on the nature of demons in this show off camera the other day and how similar they are to demons in Christianity! The author did such a good job!!

Wes And Steph

oh we've definitely listened to that song!! I didn't know that was what it was about though!!! Thanks for sharing!! The ancient folktales and the demonic or fae beings in Celtic mythology and then how every culture has their own version of similar beings is fascinating to me. Like jinn in arabic cultures or yokai or Oni in Japan.


Yesss!~ I love folklore too and studying how it forms and grows lol 🥰 Also I'm happy you've heard that song! I had a feeling you guys might like it. It's so gorgeous and fun to sing.

Richard Rear

the statues are not about people remembering her, the statues are to remind her abut them, he says it proves we were not a fairy tale, we realy existed, its so she wont be lonely in the future


Finland mentioned, see you at the market! Suomi mainittu, torilla tavataan!