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Unexpected but a great show you guys will definitely enjoy!


Was hoping for Dr. Stone 🥲




Didn't expect this! What a great surprise, Mob Psycho is one of my favourites.

Infinite Ree

Now *this* is an excellent show along with AOT and Haikyuu, this is one of my absolute favorites


Yay! This is a great show hope you guys enjoy

Lala woods

Can u guys please react to Saiki K. It’s so funny I know u guys would like it


🫣😬 I am honestly surprised so many people like this show. I'll give these first 2 eps a watch to see if it can catch my interest, but I honestly gotta say, this might be the first I can't follow you guys on 😅 not my cup of tea. First impressions is it feels like watching "Beevis and Butthead" or other adult swim shows and I just can't with those lol so those are my first impression so far


New comment with useful info lol but through several hundred types of cultures and lore including early American (derived from what the English learned from the Celts and Norse) salt is a pure substance that creates a barrier to stop spirits from entering a person or area. Actually in Japan, they don't even use this, they use rice and beans lol. The lore around spilling salt comes from Romani beliefs I think (this can be tricky because we adopted a lot of Celt Magic too) but if you spill the salt, it invites impurity (think throwing the American flag on the floor or spitting in holy water) so what they say is a malevolent spirit will crawl on your shoulder from behind, so you must toss the salt you spilled over your left shoulder to make the spirit go away. But if you lay out or even throw salt purposely in ritual to ban spirits, it isn't contaminated because that is more Celtic in nature. Most superstitions comes from real cultural beliefs of several cultures and half the people who know them, don't even know the full lore. Eg. Why knock on wood? In Celtic lore, they believe in animism so the spirits are in the trees. You knock on wood to ask the guardian spirit to protect you. Don't walk under ladders? It's believed that the tuatha de dannon (real name for fae) youkai, and any other cultures version of nature spirit, lives in liminal spaces. Under/over a bridge or a ladder, a doorway or shadow, they are all liminal spaces so the belief is a spirit will notice you and choose to follow. Black cat is the only early American made one because of the witch hunts (witches truly are shamans for the celts or even any other culture, but the word witch is derived from Gaelic for wise one) black cat crosses your path, it means a witch is nearby, which in colonial America meant "oh no, children of Satan are about (despite the very definition of animism meaning they don't believe in God's at all~) and that means misfortune for the entire village~" There is a side of this superstition that the cat is a witch itself or a demon. Which I must add that Demon is derived from the Greek spirit Daemon. A nature spirit that lives in trees tasked with the protection of humans from certain creatures by the Greek Gods. History, folklore, and Mythology are my crack so don't mind me lol 😂😅 also keep in mind, this is the fastest, watered down explanation. Folklore and tradition by definition change and develope over time as they get passed person to person and so we can only look at which are the more common knowledge versions we see through history predating Christianity because of how the early churches actively tried to warp and destroy folklore of thousands of cultures or documented them with a biased eye. So it gets really difficult. Particularly with oral traditions such as Greek, Norse, Celt, Romani, the many African and native American tribes, ect.

Infinite Ree

It took me a couple tries, but the story is so worth it. The character growth is fantastic, in my opinion. But also the EPIC fight scenes 😅