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one thing i never understood is why the husband thought it was a clue that yeonjin and jaejun used the same brand of cigarettes if they’ve been friends since high school 🤔


dongeun left the resume there because she wanted yeojeong to hire the school nurse

tannie misser

About your question whether or not Yeonjin has a key to Jaejoon's place, most modern homes/apartments in Korea have a code lock (or smart lock, whatever you wanna call it) instead of a traditional door lock that's opened with a key, which is why so many of the characters are able to get into each other's houses lol. So i guess the answer is yes, since she knows the code 😄


I completely agree that the husband is the only normal character, like to me everything he does and the way he thinks and processes things is so valid and realistic.

Infinite Ree

Yeah that is kinda weird. If I had to guess, he probably wondered what kind of influence would make her switch brands, especially since she acts like they've known each other a long time but aren't super close.

Infinite Ree

Guys, I think the flight attendant (I forget her name 😅) is worried if an abortion/s could be detected. At least that's what I got from it.

Fiyin Cole

Yea but I don’t think he was aware how much they still hung out, cuz high school friends never really last. Which is why he asked her if she meets up with Jaejun and Myeongo often. Also he didn’t really see the cigarettes as a big thing alone, he is just very observant, but when you start seeing so many similarities etc it doesn’t become a coincidence anymore. Which is why they show us him noticing little details.

Nazalea Kusuma

Guys the serial killer is in prison...the letters are from prison


ive learned this week that the career of a flight attendant is kinda a symbol of beauty in Korea. a lot of people want to work in this field and theyre often very very attractive. apparently you can find rich husbands quite easily that way... you can tell what are hyejeong's priorities in life when you look at her career choice


I think Wes calmly analysing and realising that Yeojeong is also a tortured soul and that's why he understands Dongeun so well while Steph is just staring at the blood splatter with heir eyes and mouth wide open is my favorite moment of this reaction ahahaha the dichotomy of your reactions made the moment unintentionally funny

Nazalea Kusuma

Steph's face when she was looking between the fathers 👌🏼👌🏼👌🏼


i’m also watching this for the first time and wow.. it really gets better and better with each episode !! can’t wait for next week aaa


Fun fact about Korea- Construction companies and shipping companies has a long history of being tied to the mafia. Kind of like disposal companies in mob movies in the US. Of course, this is not universal and not "proven" but it has a cultural undertone. I think the fact that the writers made the husband the CEO of a construction company was a way for the audience (at least Korean audience) to paint him more morally ambiguous and not sure where his character is going to go.


Please react to 'Hot Stove League'


1. “Knowing Jaejun, he’d probably punch her” about the nanny killed me because that’s probably exactly it, I thought the same thing 😂😂 The nanny was still there, just keeping her distance, probably has been screamed at by him before 😂😂😂 2. “Positive parental instinct that they twist because they’re psychos” about Yeonjin and Jaejun is interesting because I wouldn’t think that they’re psychopathic at all. I am actually diagnosed with antisocial personality disorder and certainly don’t find enjoyment in the idea of torturing someone the way they do. I can relate to having a lack of empathy but even I still care about my immediate family and my friends. Especially my friends since I’m the one responsible for having them in my life in the first place haha. While some things about being a ‘psychopath / sociopath’ which I admit, is something that’s still continuously debated by professionals as to wether it’s exactly the same as having ASPD or not, can be alarming such as being prone to being irritable and aggressive or lacking regard for safety (wether it’s my own or others) other symptoms are boring things like chronic boredom and impulsivity or irresponsibility. There’s a whole spectrum of each trait in itself that may result in the worst human being who ever lived or just a plain ordinary person you come into contact with on a daily. This is nothing filmmakers would deem worthy making movies about though I really wish they would haha. I know you guys definitely didn’t mean this haha but the stigma behind psychopathy always persists as long as it remains unchallenged. But anyway, Jaejun literally has the wildest anger issues I’ve seen on screen since forever and it’s triggered by insecurity of all things. Yeonjin is sick for what she did to Dongeun and all her other victims but you’ve seen how emotional and rash she can be (this is not to say ‘psychopaths’ are emotionless, they’re still human) especially when it pertains to her husband and her child. She’s probably a narcissist more than anything with how preoccupied she is with control and power. One whose been given all the tools necessary to get away with abusing others as she pleases if she pleases. And hat’s exactly what she CHOOSES to do. You don’t have to be void of love to be a jerk. You can lack empathy and still be decent too. Your thoughts and feelings influence your actions but they don’t determine them. These people can have a perfectly ‘normal’ emotional range and capacity for all that good jazz and STILL be murderers and liars and cheaters etc etc 3. Yeojeong (the doctor) told Dongeun to let him know she’s been there by playing a move on the Go Board so she’s the one who left the resume for the nurse. That’s the school nurse from when she was in high school. And he hired her. 4. I was also mindblown by the whole “you’re the biological father, not the legal father” thing as well. I wonder if it’s because Korean culture places a lot of significance on reputation? So a marriage would basically be the highest form of armour for a lot of things. Ive got to look into it haha. I’ve also heard that in Korea, men actually have a lot more ‘power’ when it comes to child custody even though the culture around child rearing itself is probably similar to Western cultures in the sense that women are typically responsible. Especially in these disgustingly rich families. That probably plays a part. 5. The scene with Hyejeong getting an STD screening and giving the results to her mother in law surprised me at first. I think it’s a very reasonable, logical thing to do with your partner but with your mother in law is just such a bizarre concept. I wonder if the husband to be also has to produce such documents. I hope so or that would be really irritating. I think maybe Hyejeong could’ve had an abortion? I don’t know for sure but I feel like that would be a definite NO for any suitors especially in Korea even if I think that isn’t something anybody other than her should be concerned about. 6. I think Yeonjin isn’t concerned about Jaejun ever killing her because he loves her. It’s certainly not sweet or pure lol but he’s obsessed with her like Steph said. And I definitely think she kissed him back to placate him. She can tolerate his abuse as long as he doesn’t end up inconveniencing her picture perfect life she has set up. Hopefully my second point was an interesting perspective to offer you. I’m loving ‘The glory’ reactions, it’s my favourite K-drama to date because there’s just SO much to talk about and it’s so well written. I’m so sorry for this mountain of a comment, I usually don’t comment because I know they always end up this long 😂

Mich Sm

I have been wanting to see your surprised face when you would get to know Yeojong's true face :D

Lia Delli

Great reaction as always! Can’t wait to see you guys watch the rest, the story just escalates and escalates from here on out lmao. The crazy thing about this show is that it’s impossible to predict where it goes but just keep in mind that no scene or character detail goes to waste :))

Helen l

This episode was so good. This drama is layer upon layer of intrigue

Helen l

Thank you for another great reaction.


Just a tidbit this series was released in two parts(8eps each) so the next episode will feel like a finale of one half of the series and you will see a lot of things being revealed and ending with a cliffhanger.. Thanks guys for the reaction!

Daniela Miño

this episode was so good! and the next update is going to be wild

Nellie Z

Dongeun knows about Hyejong's mom in law as she or Ms. Kang figured out everything about the bully group. D orchestrated being friends with Hyejong's future mother in law =)