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Envy has been made into one of the most hateable antogonists, one you can't wait to die. Mustang has been made into one of the coolest fighters, one you can't wait to do something badass. Hughes has been made into one of the saddest deaths, one you can't wait to be avenged. The GALL of the author to actually NOT have Mustang kill Envy. Oh, is that what I carefully and meticulously made you crave more than anything else, readers/viewers? Would be a shame if what you got instead was actually a lesson about why craving it is a path towards darkness and evil, huh. Would be a shame if you got something mature, rather than immediately satisfying… WE'RE MUSTANG HERE. Even Steph was going "yes, kill him!" as Mustang kept blasting - and of course she was. Who wouldn't. And that's the brilliant part. Envy being jealous of humans is yet another subversion. Even forgetting the fact he's been badmouthing and ridiculing humans the most out of any homunculus, which is very fitting… He's been transforming into all kinds of humans since the beginning of the series. His true form isn't even humanoid, unlike other homunculi, he's a giant green dog beast-thing - yet he spends most of his time in a humanoid form he created. And all along, it just seemed like a matter of pure convenience - he'd obviously draw a lot of attention if he stayed a giant monster and disguising himself as others lets him manipulate others and sneak around. But with the added context of him feeling envious of humans… Convenience wasn't the only reason, was it.