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Dank Waifu

It’s bad for both of them, Sara literally disrespected Rudy first by implying she never liked him in the first place and that the sex was obligatory.


Uggghhh this was brutal~ I gotta stop watching ahead cuz it made it that much harder to watch yall react to it 🤣 oof But I think I'd feel better being just "unattractive" than being so "unattractive that the sex would be obligatory" for sure. Like there are many reasons for ED so I wouldn't necessarily come to that conclusion anyway, but she outright diminished Rudy's already nonexistent self-esteem 😅


I feel like saying "this doesn't make sense being he used to be horny all the time" or "16 year olds don't have this problem" is minimizing the issue. Rudy has been really depressed this whole season and isn't in a place where he's ready to be that intimate with someone, and there isn't anything wrong with that. That was Soldat's whole point on taking things more slowly. Thought tbh it's on Rudy to realize this and express it to Sarah so she doesn't end up getting hurt...which he definitely failed at both times.

Kaasim Alam Baloch

Age 15 is considered adult in this world, as the years have 14-15 months. Birthdays are celebrated every 5 years


I gotta say got some major bias here, dude finds out his soldiers MIA, gets told he's nothing and she didn't even like him but it was an obligation. last words said was awful while looking back at him. I get whey Steph wouldn't understand but Wes come on put yourself in his shoes whether it be whiskey dick or not, which it's not, that cuts down to the core. To the whole he's 16 he shouldn't have this issue. His first time was with a girl he really liked, said she wanted to be his family, they went through many traumatic experiences together and then after doing it ding dong ditched him and as far as he knows its because he wasn't up to snuff in the bedroom department. trying to relate such an experience to a normal 15/16 yr old doing their first time is like climbing a mountain vs a hill. was he right in the last bit, no, Is Sara justified in being angry, sure. The other one, name escapes me right now, prolly shoulda tried for more info before outright condemning him for drunken words. On a side note Sol is a fin bro.


Anyone with blonde or light brown hair: shows up Wes & Steph: That's a Greyrat!

Sage Bastien

i know i'm late but did you know that the most common problem with military with PTSD is ED ? You know those very manly testosterone cliché man ? Yeah. So trauma, especially in early age, can cause ED even when it's not related to s*x, since it actually feeling confortable with someone. And of course you don't hear ED in college like you suggest, because dude who have it won't say it

Matt Tucker

Ouch man you guys. You dont know much about ED, which is fine, but speaking from such conviction about something you dont know about is rough. No empathy at all, none of this episode was played for jokes.


I figured you two to be on the slow side but this is rough. It’s clear you expect mental illness to be a made up thing so perhaps stop interjecting your harsh statements on the issue?


I don't know if you've noticed, but blond hair is a common feature of the population in countries like Asura and Milis, not all blond people are related by blood 😂

Michael Moore

ed can happen to young men. it happened to me. its not very fun

Aphelion Audio

a note: in the novels, the prostitute goes up to sara and explains the full situation to her, which ends with sara holding no real resentment for rudy, she just feels bad about how she acted, and annoyed with how he responded, but is ultimately somewhat understanding

GTB (edited)

Comment edits

2024-06-08 12:52:25 An unexpected, and disturbing, reaction to a particularly serious and dark episode. I really wondered if you got high for that reaction lol. I know we're here to have fun and that, apparently, you know nothing about depression and ED, I completely understand. And it IS fun. But it's also kinda frustrating to watch how much you've missread this ep. Some info if you ever read this: - First of all, ED can occur at any age, and for a variety of biological and, often, psychological reasons. - Around 20% of men under 30 have suffered from ED. Most of the time, it occurs between the ages of 17 and 25, for reasons like anxiety/stress. The 2nd cause is...a more or less traumatic previous sexual experience. So we're a long way from Steph's preconceptions. - ED causes distress and low self-esteem. When the cause is not biological, psychological follow-up could be prescribed. - You only have to look at your reaction to understand why those who have suffered from it don't talk about it. - In 90% of cases of depression in men, there is also ED. And it's precisely through this symptom that Season 2 part 1 will, actually, talk about Rudy's mental state. - The average recovery time from depression (medication + psychological follow-up) is between 6 months minimum and 5 years. The rate of complete recovery is quite low. - There are almost 1 million suicides worldwide every year. Depression is the number 1 cause. Depressive suicide is the fourth leading cause of death in the 15-29 age group, according to the World Health Organization. One form of depression is post-partem depression, which can lead a mother to mutilation or, even, to take her own life or that of her child. As a parent, this may make you realize just how serious this illness can be. And so, obviously, depression or ED can't be cured with a good night's sleep, a good cup of coffee or a pat on the back. > > Here's how the chapter ends in the Light Novel, which the anime couldn't fit into these 20min : Rudy decides to leave town with Sol's party. After the fight, Suzanne explains to Sara that it's not like Rudeus to act this way, and that maybe they've misunderstood the situation. Sara then intends to talk to Rudeus. The next day, the members of Counter Arrow are worried about Rudeus' absence. They set out to find him in town. This leads Sara to meet Elise (the prostitute). Elise tells Sara that Rudeus was upset, hurt and lost after their date, and that he has erectile dysfunction, a disease. She explains to Sara that if she couldn't perceive Rudeus's distress and act supportively instead of putting him down, then she clearly wasn't ready to be his girlfriend. Suzanne then informs Sara that she has learned that Rudeus has left town with Sol's party. Sara goes home and cries...both because she regrets her reaction and not having had the opportunity to apologize, and because she understands that her love affair with Rudeus has just come to an end.
2024-06-02 00:11:54 An unexpected, and disturbing, reaction to a particularly serious and dark episode. I really wondered if you got high for that reaction lol. I know we're here to have fun and that, apparently, you know nothing about depression and ED, I completely understand. And it IS fun. But it's also kinda frustrating to watch how much you've missread this ep. Some info if you ever read this: - First of all, ED can occur at any age, and for a variety of biological and, often, psychological reasons. - Around 20% of men under 30 have suffered from ED. Most of the time, it occurs between the ages of 17 and 25, for reasons like anxiety/stress. The 2nd cause is...a more or less traumatic previous sexual experience. So we're a long way from Steph's preconceptions. - ED causes distress and low self-esteem. When the cause is not biological, psychological follow-up could be prescribed. - You only have to look at your reaction to understand why those who have suffered from it don't talk about it (and may be offended by such reactions). - In 90% of cases of depression in men, there is also ED. And it's precisely through this symptom that Season 2 part 1 will, actually, talk about Rudy's mental state. - The average recovery time from depression (medication + psychological follow-up) is between 6 months minimum and 5 years. The rate of complete recovery is quite low. - There are almost 1 million suicides worldwide every year. Depression is, by far, the number 1 cause. Depressive suicide is the 4th leading cause of death in the 15-29 age group, according to the World Health Organization. One form of depression is post-partem depression, which can lead a mother to mutilation or, even, to take her own life or that of her child. As a parent, this may make you realize just how serious this illness can be. And so, obviously, depression or ED can't be cured with a good night's sleep, a good cup of coffee or a pat on the back. This episode is about Rudeus becoming aware of his mental state/depression, his loneliness and his anger over Eris's abandonment. This drives him to attempt suicide. Rudy owes his life to Sol's reflexes. Thematically, this is probably one of the darkest episodes of the series. > > Here's how the chapter ends in the Light Novel, which the anime couldn't fit into these 20min : Rudy decides to leave town with Sol's party. After the fight, Suzanne explains to Sara that it's not like Rudeus to act this way, and that maybe they've misunderstood the situation. Sara then intends to talk to Rudeus. The next day, the members of Counter Arrow are worried about Rudeus' absence. They set out to find him in town. This leads Sara to meet Elise (the prostitute). Elise tells Sara that Rudeus was upset, hurt and lost after their date, and that he has erectile dysfunction, a real disease, of psychological cause for Rudeus. She explains to Sara that if she couldn't perceive Rudeus's distress and act supportively instead of putting him down, then she clearly wasn't ready to be his girlfriend. Suzanne then informs Sara that she has learned that Rudeus has left town with Sol's party. Sara goes home and cries...both because she regrets her reaction and not having had the opportunity to apologize, and because she understands that her love affair with Rudeus has just come to an end. But maybe one day, the two will have a chance to apologize. Who knows...

An unexpected, and disturbing, reaction to a particularly serious and dark episode. I really wondered if you got high for that reaction lol. I know we're here to have fun and that, apparently, you know nothing about depression and ED, I completely understand. And it IS fun. But it's also kinda frustrating to watch how much you've missread this ep. Some info if you ever read this: - First of all, ED can occur at any age, and for a variety of biological and, often, psychological reasons. - Around 20% of men under 30 have suffered from ED. Most of the time, it occurs between the ages of 17 and 25, for reasons like anxiety/stress. The 2nd cause is...a more or less traumatic previous sexual experience. So we're a long way from Steph's preconceptions. - ED causes distress and low self-esteem. When the cause is not biological, psychological follow-up could be prescribed. - You only have to look at your reaction to understand why those who have suffered from it don't talk about it (and may be offended by such reactions). - In 90% of cases of depression in men, there is also ED. And it's precisely through this symptom that Season 2 part 1 will, actually, talk about Rudy's mental state. - The average recovery time from depression (medication + psychological follow-up) is between 6 months minimum and 5 years. The rate of complete recovery is quite low. - There are almost 1 million suicides worldwide every year. Depression is, by far, the number 1 cause. Depressive suicide is the 4th leading cause of death in the 15-29 age group, according to the World Health Organization. One form of depression is post-partem depression, which can lead a mother to mutilation or, even, to take her own life or that of her child. As a parent, this may make you realize just how serious this illness can be. And so, obviously, depression or ED can't be cured with a good night's sleep, a good cup of coffee or a pat on the back. This episode is about Rudeus becoming aware of his mental state/depression, his loneliness and his anger over Eris's abandonment. This drives him to attempt suicide. Rudy owes his life to Sol's reflexes. Thematically, this is probably one of the darkest episodes of the series. > > Here's how the chapter ends in the Light Novel, which the anime couldn't fit into these 20min : Rudy decides to leave town with Sol's party. After the fight, Suzanne explains to Sara that it's not like Rudeus to act this way, and that maybe they've misunderstood the situation. Sara then intends to talk to Rudeus. The next day, the members of Counter Arrow are worried about Rudeus' absence. They set out to find him in town. This leads Sara to meet Elise (the prostitute). Elise tells Sara that Rudeus was upset, hurt and lost after their date, and that he has erectile dysfunction, a real disease, of psychological cause for Rudeus. She explains to Sara that if she couldn't perceive Rudeus's distress and act supportively instead of putting him down, then she clearly wasn't ready to be his girlfriend. Suzanne then informs Sara that she has learned that Rudeus has left town with Sol's party. Sara goes home and cries...both because she regrets her reaction and not having had the opportunity to apologize, and because she understands that her love affair with Rudeus has just come to an end. But maybe one day, the two will have a chance to apologize. Who knows...


I don’t come here for emotionally intelligent takes, but this was almost insufferable to listen to. I’m glad everyone else in the comments understands mental illness exists.


Damn, for this reaction you are the worst kind of people, who laughs at an attempt of suicide ?