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An easy way to think about Gojo's technique (in regards to what was revealed so far, no spoilers) is that he can cause 2 phenomena - attraction (blue) and repulsion (red) to cause objects to go through those interactions, like when he smashed the 2 clones together. There is more to it if you are into physics, but I hope that helps. There is also the "forcefield" that he keeps around himself that slows objects that get closer to him, but they already hinted the Achilles and an Tortoise paradox that explains that pretty well


Man I want takoyaki after seeing this 😩 also kinda bummed this is all backstory cuz I miss main gang and Sukuna. Gonna have to read the Mangas I guess. But more importantly, I realized I made a mistake over on Death Note that's relevant here. So Shinigami are death Kami (spirits akin to gods but less powerful and not really allowed access to Takamagahara) who's job it is to reap and transport the departed souls. Shikigami are a form of kami slightly less powerful. They are essentially familiars that serve sorcerers or priests and priestesses with limited ability through a contract. I got the two mixed up in a past comment. Side note/fun fact: my aunts name is Shoko and I used to have a friend named Suguru. They are both seemingly uncommon names so it's weird to me that they're both in this show lol I think it's supposed to give a old culture/traditional feel

Josh Ashford

I'm pretty sure the backstory is only gonna go on for 6 episodes or so, and then we'll be back with the gang again. That's what I've heard anyway


I don't think the guy in the beginning had to fear for his life lol. I think he was just being kissed and hugged by something moisty and nasty, and probably stinky, but his life wasn't in danger, that's why Geto didn't care. It was just an uncomfortable moment to pass. Not so much of a hard time for someone willing to bomb a child if you ask me. Geto is still a nice guy.


DON'T read the manga yet, or at least wait until this season is over. Big things are coming.


Oh? 👀 Noted. I'll wait patiently then. I'm so excited to see what they plan to do with this new animation