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If you like anime about fantasy adventurers going on adventures I'd recommend Goblin Slayer, it's basically an anime about a Dungeons and Dragons style party going on adventures, although I'll warn you the first episode is pretty graphic, but they tone it down a ton after that.

Sa _As

Yeah ı want to see but it's kinda harsh you know


Jesus dude, if that's your opinion? Your pretty messed up if you honestly think that's why people want them watch goblin slayer. They talk very often about Dungeons and dragons and RPGs, goblin slayer is literally based off old table to rpgs, the characters don't even have names, just referred to as their class, and the stuff in Mushoku Tensei was way more controversial than anything in goblin slayer, you need to go and touch grass my man.


Your allowed to have your opinion, my opinion is that yours is a bad one, you opened your reply saying that I only wanted them to react to a rape scene, that was pretty shitty dude, a very bad opinion since the scene is over in seconds and was only there to show how vile goblins are, and wasn't repeated since the point was made and didn't need to be made again. If you don't like the anime, that's fine, your allowed to not like things, but to say that people who do like it are fanatics is plane dumb, you've had some really immature takes in this thread and you really need to tone it down. If you don't like it that's fine, it's not fine to attack and slander people who do.

Fuck Google

Mak V has a strange take, Goblin Slayer is a good and thoughtful show clearly based on the D&D framework. Fans of Goblin Slayer are not trolls, I, at least, honestly think it is one of the best anime I have ever seen. A full story in 13 episodes about various characters attempts to deal with PTSD and the brutality of the world in which they live. Other anime can take 20 episodes just to make one plot progression, but not this anime. Looking forward to season 2 this fall!


Agreed, I've read the manga up to its current chapters, including the prequel series and there is a lot coming that I'm looking forward to seeing animated, including a monster ripped almost whole cloth from the 3rd edition epic level handbook, one I've never seen anywhere else and I cant wait to see how they do it in the anime, even though it'll probably only show up in a quick scene, and we wont get to see much of it.


Goblin slayer is good but.. I dunno if they will want to watch that or can handle it. Too many rape scenes. Just seen the arguments happening in this comment. Please note that I am not on either side lol I just know that Wes and Steph are lovely souls and Christian so unless they are willing to watch so much rapiness and super gore, I wouldn't necessarily agree that they should watch it. But when you give it a chance, (coming from a victim of sexual assault) its a really good premise. I appreciate the slayers motive for why he hunts goblins


Too many rape scenes? It has only 1, and its not very explicate, they rip her clothes off and then cut away, not a very nice scene, but not anything beyond some of the more uncomfortable scenes in mishoku tense. I think they will be fine, beyond that one scene its a pretty tame anime thats mostly an acton adventure that sometimes brushes up against some uncomfortable stuff, not too different than the anime they are currently watching, though I can definitely see your concern.


I'm going to be honest with you, from your first post on, the only impression you've given me is that you do not like the goblin slayer anime, and you didn't want them to maybe react to it instead of something you liked or liked more so you tried to poison the well. From the first post all you did was refer to rape scenes and say that it was not worth watching after the first episode and saying that only the episodes with rape in them were good, which was pretty F'd up. You then say that it is mostly 99% Jrpg, when anyone who has watched can see right off that is not true, even the author has said specifically that goblin slayer is inspired by his love of western fantasy and rpg, especially D&D, which is easy to see from the monsters in the show, and the ones that will show up in later seasons as they animate more of the story. You then say that there is nothing interesting to see in the anime, a VERY subjective thing, but saying there are no plot twists or character development are so wrong that I very seriously question if did watch this anime, or if you did then weather you bothered to watch past the first 2 episodes, as there are plenty of "plot twists, unexpected moments, character developments, or even comedy" to quote you. As for the: "every talkative reactor jokingly complained about being baited into GB. Jokingly, to avoid triggering the blind fans, 80% of which are watching only the first two eps reaction." I'm going to call total BS on this, goblin slayer is not often reacted too, it goes under most peoples radar, not unlike Golden Kamuy, the few people I've seen react to it have loved it and I have never seen anyone in any way say that the felt tricked into watching a bad show so pervs can react to the almost non-existent rape scene that starts and ends in less than 10 seconds and doesn't really show anything, so implying that tons of people have watched it and have felt tricked is ridicules. To finish up this already super long post, my first impression of you was that you were just some kid that didn't like the anime and wanted to poison the well so they would feel grossed out and not want to watch it, that opinion has not changed and if anything everything you've said since has supported that, no one who claims to "Love GB", I'm assuming you meant GS, would talk about it the way you have, plain and simple. If I'm wrong about that then you need to do better in getting that point across because you've only given the impression that you hate it, and that you don't really know much about it. As for my opinion about goblin slayer, I don't think its the greatest anime ever made, probably not even in my top 10 over all, but it's still a very good anime that would probably be enjoyed by wes and steph if their reactions to Mushoku Tensei are anything to go by. That's it, I've said my peace, if you want to continue this conversation feel free, I'm not sure I'll respond as there is not much more to be said.


welp, you started with hostility, you may as well end with it. I took the time to write out a post to get my points across, I showed you enough respect to give you my time in writing it, even though it was long, it should have taken you only a minute to read it, far less time than it took for me to type it. I'm guessing you had nothing to respond with, hence your insults. We're done here, no more conversation to be had, I wont respond to you anymore, have a good day.


At this point, it's only been a few months since Eris left. And those were indeed Roxy's panties in his pouch. I could feel Wes's disappointment as he realized it.


If you want to watch some really good “realistic” isekai, then I can recommend “Log Horizon”

Zhiqian Wu

DND anime? Goblin slayer? Dood, watch legend of box machina!

tracee miasco

btw the director for this show has changed. I think the original one quit and so the junior with less experience took the helm.


Quite a rather antagonistic view of mental illness from you two.

Matheus de Araujo

lmao, i'm just now watching it and it is fun as hell. On the last episode, they were super simpatetic about rudeus' depression and now they are frustrated about it hahahahah


Hi guys! I'm starting your Mushoku Tensei S2 reaction series, and it's frustrating to see you frustrated by Rudy's behavior in this episode XD (this is not a criticism, don't take offense). Now that you're at episode 19, I assume you've figured out that Rudy is in fact showing several severe symptoms of depression at this start of the season; hence his behavior here. And I'm talking about the illness “depression”, which has nothing to do with the blues or sadness. The fact of not giving a damn about your fate, and even more about the others fate, is fairly typical of this illness. Depression is one of the main themes of Part 1 of this season (notably through its ED, another symptom). And having experienced this damned disease first-hand (family and acquaintances), I can say that it's VERY long and difficult to get out of it (when you do), and that Mushoku is quite accurate on the subject.

Kaleb Beaumont

I feel yall were wayy too harsh on rudy in this ep, maybe its the difference between watching the episodes back to back vs spacing them out over a long period but, just too mean